Odstock Parish Council

Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Odstock Parish Council to be held in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, 24th March 2004.
Yours faithfully,

R P Parsons - Parish Clerk - Tel: 01794 341405 - www.sp5.org/odstock/opc/

Prior to the commencement of the meeting there will be a period of 10 minutes when members of the public may comment or ask questions on relevant Parish Council business.

AGENDA (final - updated on 19-Mar-2004)

To receive apologies

1: To receive any Declaration of Interest.

2: To approve as a correct record Minutes of the Council meeting held on 21st January 2004.

3: Matters arising:
    * Abandoned vehicles and unauthorised parking
    * Skips, Noticeboards, Bus Shelters and Litter collection
    * Jubilee Gardens Refurbishment
    * Youth Development

4: To review the outcome of the recent SDC Parish and Town Councils Liaison meetings.

5: To review progress on the content of the proposed Nunton football field Lease.

6: Finance: * To confirm and authorise for payment the schedule of accounts dated 24th March.
      * To approve the appointment of the Independent Internal Auditor for 2003/04.

7: Transport, Roads and Footpaths: * WCC lengthsmen's visits for 2004.
      * Hedgerow/Footpath Maintenance. * Roadside storm water drainage.

8: Planning: Occasional Public Entertainment Licence - Nunton Football Field.

9: Reports and Correspondence: * WCC * SDC * Police * Local Agenda 21 * WALC.
      * To consider any other available correspondence.

10: To consider holding the Annual Parish meeting before the annual PC meeting on 19th May 2004.

11: Any Other Business


This meeting of ODSTOCK PARISH COUNCIL is on

WEDNESDAY, 24th MARCH 2004 at 7:30pm

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present.

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