Odstock Parish Council

Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summonsed to attend the ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council to be held at 7:30pm on Wednesday, 14th September 2005 in The Radnor Hall.

Yours faithfully, R P Parsons - Parish Clerk - Tel: 01794 341405 - www.sp5.org/odstock/opc/

Prior to the commencement of the meeting there will be a period of 10 minutes when members of the public may comment or ask questions on relevant Parish Council business.

AGENDA (published on 14-May-2006)

1: To receive and consider acceptance of apologies.

2: To receive any Declarations of a) Personal Interest, or b) Personal and Prejudicial Interest.

3: To approve as a correct record Minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 18th May.

4: Matters arising - to review progress against previously made resolutions:
a) 38/05(b) - Completion of the Electrical Contract in the Nunton Field.
d) 38/05(d) - To receive a report of the SLCC Training event held in Devizes on 20th May.

5: Recreation Grounds: a) To consider revised plans for the Nunton Recreation Ground.
b) To consider a proposal for replacing the entrance gate at the Odstock Recreation Ground.

6: Community Initiatives: a) To reconsider the most effective use of the SDC annual Skip Grant.
b) To consider a proposal for a grant aided Community Transport Plan.
c) To note the request from Salisbury Health Care regarding Foundation Trust Membership.

7: Finance: a) To receive the report of the Internal Auditor for y/e 31st March 2005.
b) To answer the questions on the Annual Return for y/e 31st March 2005.
c) To receive the Radnor Hall accounts for y/e 31st March 2005 and the grant request of £500.
d) To consider any grant applications that might need to be made by the Parish Council.
e) To confirm and authorise for payment a schedule of accounts dated 14th September.

8: Transport, Roads and Footpaths: a) 41/05(a) - To receive a report of WCC Lengthsmen Activity.
b) 41/05(e) - Car parking at Salisbury District Hospital. b) 41/05(f) - Proposed Harnham Relief Road.

9: Planning: To consider a schedule of planning applications dated 10th September 2005 (appended).

10: Review any comments regarding Reports and Correspondence for future consideration:
a) WCC - Emergency Planning. b) SDC - Liaison meeting on 5th October. c) b) 43/05(b) - WALC.

11: a) AOB - for information only. b) To confirm 7th December as the date of the next OPC meeting.


This meeting of ODSTOCK PARISH COUNCIL is on

WEDNESDAY, 14th SEPTEMBER 2005 at 7:30pm


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