Odstock Parish Council

Dear Councillor,

The next Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council is scheduled to be held at 7:30pm on Wednesday, 10 September 2008  in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Issues to be discussed will include:

1. the revised Core Strategy and Preferred Options consultation document, copies of which, in a magazine format, should have been delivered to every household and business in the district during August;
2. the provision of skips, as in previous years;
3. the use of the Nunton Field by the Football Clubs;
4. and the need for boundary fencing behind the goalpost at the eastern end of the football pitch.
If any parishioner knows of anybody who could assist the Parish Council with this fencing requirement, please could they contact the Parish Clerk on Tel: 01794-341405 or eMail: OPC@SP5.INFO as soon as possible. The cost of the fencing will be paid from the funds deposited by developers in connection with planning permissions granted five years ago.

The Agenda will be published at www.sp5.org.uk/odstock/opc/ three clear days before or reasons given for cancellation thereof.

The unapproved minutes of the 14 May Annual OPC meeting can be downloaded here.

Yours faithfully,

R P Parsons - Parish Clerk - Tel: 01794 341405 - www.sp5.org/odstock/opc/

Click here to access the agenda in Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Adobe Format (.pdf) 


This meeting of ODSTOCK PARISH COUNCIL is on

WEDNESDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER 2008 at 7:30pm


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