Odstock Parish Council

The annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on Wednesday, 9th May 2001 following the annual Parish meeting that started at 7:00 p.m. in The Radnor Hall at Bodenham.

Present: Dr S Elcock, Mr R Underhill, Mr C Whitley, Mr C Berry, Mr R Poynting, Mr R Parsons (Clerk) and four members of the public. Ebble District Cllr Rycroft arrived at 8:00pm. Apologies were received from Mr S Martin and Mrs J Payne.

26/01 Matters raised at the annual Parish meeting: Waste bins, Bus shelters and Notice boards.

27/01 Election of Officers: Cllr Poynting proposed and Cllr Underhill seconded Cllr Elcock as Chairman. Cllr Whitley proposed and Cllr Berry seconded Cllr Underhill as Vice-chairman. It was not considered necessary to define individual responsibilities apart from planning issues that will continue to be handled by Cllr Elcock.

28/01 Parish Clerk's Remuneration: The Clerk offered to fulfil the role for the ensuing year at the rate of £7/hr.

29/01 Meetings: Proposed dates: Wednesday, 5th September; Wednesday, 5th December; Wednesday, 6th February 2002; Wednesday, 20th March; Annual Parish meeting followed by Annual Council meeting on Wednesday, 8th May.

30/01 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Underhill declared a non-pecuniary interest and will take no part in discussions relating to planning conditions at the new Nunton dairy unit.

31/01 Minutes: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 7th March 2001, having been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

32/01 Matters Arising:
* Cllr Elcock reported that the skips scheduled for delivery on 11th June would be publicised in News and Notes.
* Cllr Whitley reported that he hoped to have a presentation prepared to illustrate proposals for play equipment and car parking in Nunton field, ready for the fete on 14th July. The lease on the field has yet to be produced. Cllr Elcock agreed to consult SDC planning department on the amount and timing of R2 funding and the suitability of the Parish Council's proposals.
* Cllr Berry has obtained positive feedback on the PC's proposals for the play facility at Odstock playground. The Radnor Estate will be asked for their approval and invitations to tender for the work are in hand.
* Cllr Elcock agreed to co-ordinate the Parish Council presentation for the Village fete.

33/01 Planning:
* S/2001/436 - ERECTION OF ONE DWELLING at NUNTON. No Objection.
* S/2001/437 - ERECTION OF 10 DWELLINGS AND CONVERSION OF EXISTING REDUNDANT FARM BUILDING TO 3 DWELLINGS at NUNTON FARM. Cllr Elcock reported that the Parish meeting on 28th March had been well attended and that there was broad agreement to the planning proposals. Planning Officers at SDC have recommended the scheme for approval at the Southern Area Committee meeting on 17th May.
There was some discussion regarding the tree planting around the new dairy unit at Nunton. Cllrs Poynting and Whitley had both been queried by villagers about the extent of the planting that had taken place. Cllr Elcock agreed to consult the planning officers and report to the next Council meeting.

34/01 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: WCC will be organising the reopening of footpaths as the threat of FMD recedes. Cllr Elcock reported that he had received complaints about two roadside hedges. At Church Cottage in Nunton and at the Jubilee Gardens corner by the Rectory in Odstock, the hedges are encroaching onto the road. The owners will be asked to trim their hedges. It was noted that WCC Parish Lengthsmen will be available for road maintenance on 6th/7th July. Cllr Poynting stressed the importance of reporting all road defects at the earliest opportunity. In the event that a car is damaged by a pothole, compensation will only be considered if the road defect has been reported. This can be done by Freephone 0800 23 23 23 or on the Internet at Wiltshire.gov.uk. A reference number for the report should be obtained and used to track the outcome.

35/01 Grant Applications: It was noted that the notice boards in the villages are in need of refurbishment. There are several funding sources and it was agreed that applications should be prepared.
Other initiatives were noted include the 'Wiltshire Community Innovator Millennium Award Scheme' that will award grants of between £1,000 - £10,000 over the next three years to individuals and groups for projects bringing benefit to the local community.

36/01 Correspondence:
* The South Wiltshire Strategic Alliance has organised a Community Planning meeting on 19th May at Downton School. The area co-ordinator is Rex Webb from Wiltshire Police and the Clerk will attend.
* 30th April - UKVillages.co.uk have created a free village Internet Website for every community in the UK. Information published is visible on the Websites of all the other communities within a 4-mile radius. The Company is proposing to consider grant applications for local projects, which it hopes to finance by local sponsorship initiatives.
* 21st April - Boscombe Down - FSTA Planning Application. Not considered relevant to OPC.
* April - WCC Waste Planning Newsletter - The Clerk reported that he had attended the last Forum meeting on 15th March. It is reassuring that so many members of the public and pressure groups like Friends of the Earth are prepared to lobby for sustainable methods of recycling and disposal of waste. WCC will now prepare a consultation document. It was agreed that Odstock Parish Council would prepare a response to this document, once it has been published.
* 17th April - PAWS Menu from SDC.
* 16th Mar - Parish and Town Councils No.2 Liaison meeting with SDC - Human Rights and Planning
* 9th Mar - Report on Parish and Town Councils' Liaison meeting with SDC.

37/01 Finance: The Clerk produced the accounts for the year to 31st March 2001, which the Council reviewed and agreed. The following expenditure was approved:
P N Ruddle - Materials for Bus Shelter - 087 - £54

38/01 The next Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 20th June 2001 in the Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

The meeting closed at 9:25pm

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