Odstock Parish Council

A meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday, 20th June 2001 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Dr S Elcock (Chairman), Mr R Underhill (Vice-chairman), Mr R Poynting, Mr S Martin, Mr R Parsons (Clerk) and one member of the public. Apologies were received from District Cllr Bryan Rycroft, Mr C Whitley, Mrs J Payne and Mr C Berry. 

39/01 Questions from the Public: None.

40/01 Declaration of Interest: None declared.

41/01 Minutes: The minutes of the annual Council meeting held on 9th May 2001, having been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 

42/01 Matters Arising: 
* The Village fete will be an opportunity to gauge public opinion with regard to the future use of Nunton Field. 
* Cllr Elcock reported that SDC are ready to release R2 money for the Odstock playing field development. 
* It was noted that the arrival of skips in the villages had been well received. There was some discussion about fly tipping and abandoned cars along Bridleways in the Parish. SDC can remove these once reported.
* Parish Lengthsmen from Ringway Parkman will liaise with Cllrs Underhill and Martin when they visit the Parish on 3rd and 4th July.
* Cllrs Elcock and Underhill will prepare a presentation for the Village Fete on 14th July. 

43/01 Radnor Hall: The Council has not yet received a request for payment of the lease on the Radnor Hall. This was agreed under minute numbers 28/00 and 39/00. 

44/01 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: Cllr Martin reported that all footpaths are now open except where animals are grazing in fields through which they pass. The Avon Valley Way has been temporarily diverted. New cases of FMD are still occurring so there is good cause to restrict access.

45/01 Planning: Cllr Elcock reported that the planners have not yet responded regarding whether or not they are satisfied that the conditions regarding the tree planting around the new dairy unit at Nunton had been complied with. 

46/01 Future of the Bodenham Post Office: There was some discussion about the commercial viability of this facility. The business is currently for sale as a going concern.

47/01 Community Planning: The Clerk reported that he had attended the meeting in Downton on 19th May, organised by the South Wiltshire Strategic Alliance. Entitled 'Action Planning Workshop' it was led by Inspector Rex Webb of Salisbury Police and a number of specific projects were identified. As soon as the official report on the meeting is published it'll be posted on www.theParish.net Website and also at http://sp5.org/theparish/. This will include a list of established groups and initiatives and will also reveal the priorities uppermost in the minds of those who attended.

48/01 Grant Applications: It was noted SWAG applications would need to be submitted before the end of August. Grants will be sought for the replacement of notice boards in Bodenham, Nunton and Odstock.

49/01 Correspondence: Consultations documents from SDC on Contaminated land Inspection Strategy, Sports and Recreation Strategy and Area of Special Control of Advertisements were noted. 

50/01 Finance: The Councillors noted the financial budget prepared by the Clerk. This shows the actual income and expenditure for the last six years and an estimate for the next two. The Council agreed to increase the grant to the PCC for churchyard maintenance. The Council approved the following payments:
P N Ruddle - Painting the Nunton Bus Shelter -- 088 - £260.98p
Cornhill Insurance Policy ----------------------- 089 - £205.20p
Odstock PCC - Churchyard maintenance -------090 - £400.00p
R Parsons - Clerk's Fee at 2.5 hrs per week ---- 091 - £315.00p

51/01 The next Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 5th September 2001 in the Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

The meeting closed at 9:25pm

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