Odstock Parish Council

A meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday, 5th September 2001 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Mr R Underhill (Vice-chairman), Mr C Whitley, Mr R Parsons (Clerk), District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and one member of the public. Apologies were received from, Dr S Elcock, Mr R Poynting, Mr S Martin, Mrs J Payne and Mr C Berry. Although there were only two members in attendance it was decided to discuss all items on the agenda without the required number being present to form a quorum. No resolutions would be passed.

52/01 Questions from the Public: None.

53/01 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Underhill declared a non-pecuniary interest in matters relating to Nunton Dairy.

54/01 Minutes: The members present reviewed the minutes of the Council meeting held on 20h June 2001. 

55/01 Matters Arising: 
* SDC Planning Dept has not responded to the Council's query about tree planting at the Nunton Dairy development. 
* Work on the Odstock playing field development has not yet started. 
* It was noted that a couple from Cumbria had agreed to purchase the Post Office business at Bodenham. 
* The Parish Lengthsmen visit in July proved very satisfactory and the next visit is on 22nd / 23rd October.
* The report on the Community Planning meeting at Downton in May had been circulated and was noted.

56/01 Nunton Fete: The Council's presence at the Fete was well received. Issues raised by parishioners included road and hedgerow maintenance, traffic management and amenity enhancements. Cllr Whitley had produced a detailed appraisal and questionnaire for the proposed development of play facilities in the Nunton football field. There was overwhelming support for the Parish Council's plan to lease the field and provide a play area. Children were particularly enthusiastic about selecting items of play equipment from the various catalogues provided and the Council hope that the new playground will be completed and in operation before the July 2002 Fete. Six questionnaires were completed on the day and two more submitted electronically, over the Internet. Cllr Underhill believes that 'an action plan' needs to be drawn up and carried forward to the next meeting.

57/01 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: The issue of parking on the road outside the Salisbury District Hospital was raised and Cllr Underhill reported that there is confusion about whether abandoned cars should be dealt with by the Police or SDC. Both of these are known problems that District Cllr Rycroft is working to find answers for. 

58/01 Planning: S01-1413-CP: New Classroom at Odstock School. The Councillors believe that the proposals represent a useful improvement. 

59/01 Radnor Hall: Mr Harry Joynt presented the Radnor Hall accounts for y/e 31st March 2001. Operating income for the year amounted to £1,450.18p leaving a small profit of £156.73p after operating expenses of £1,293.45. Donations and grants up to June 2001 totaled £10231.27p enabling the refurbishment of the kitchen and the acquisition of furniture and stage lights. The agreed lease has yet to be drawn up so no rental payments have been requested to date. 

60/01 Wiltshire Association of Local Councils: The Clerk explained that there are two organisations that can provide advice to Parish Councils. The WALC membership fee is based on the number of electors in the Parish and the Society of Local Council Clerks membership fee is based on the amount of the Clerk's salary. The cost of WALC membership for the current year would be £97.81p including the affiliation fee to National Association of Local Councils. 

61/01 Grant Applications: SWAG applications need to be submitted before 16th November.

62/01 Correspondence: The Council noted the following items of correspondence:
* 3rd September - Get Set .... GO! - A Sports Directory for Salisbury District.
* 20th August - Lifeline and Community Wardening Services.
* 13th August - Lloyds TSB plc - Authority to manage bank accounts online.
* 3rd August - A new approach to Local Council Audit - Feedback from last year's 'Think Piece'.

63/01 The next Council Meeting will be held on or about Wednesday, 5th December 2001 in the Radnor Hall.

The meeting closed at 9:20pm

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