Odstock Parish Council

A meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday, 13th February 2002 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Dr S Elcock (Chairman), Mr R Poynting, Mrs J Payne, Mr R Parsons (Clerk), District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and one member of the public. Apologies were received from, Mr R Underhill, Mr C Whitley, Mr S Martin and Mr C Berry.

01/02 Questions from the Public: None.

02/02 Declaration of Interest: None.

03/02 Minutes: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 11h December 2001, having been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

04/02 Matters Arising:
* The lease for Nunton Field is anticipated.
* The Clerk reported that as a result of the meeting with a representative from Playdale Playgrounds Ltd, a plan and a quotation had been prepared for the supply and installation of a pair of Junior swings in the Odstock playing field. Following a discussion it was decided unanimously to place an order subject to agreement with Salisbury District Council Parks manager. Action: the Clerk.
* There was a discussion about the condition of the road surface at Shepherd's Close, Odstock. Cllr Elcock suggested that the forthcoming visit of the Parish Lengthsmen would be a good opportunity to ensure that potholes are repaired. Action: An Odstock parishioner who regularly attends Parish Council meetings agreed to liaise with the WCC co-ordinator. Cllr Poynting and Cllr Elcock will identify other areas needing attention.
* Fly tipping and abandoned cars are still a problem. These issues need to be dealt with as required.
* The Clerk reported that the SWAG application for notice boards had been considered and the recommendation was to approve £445 for one notice board. Some discussion ensued and it was agreed to carry the application forward to the 2002/03 scheme for the balance. Action: the Clerk.

05/02 Code of Conduct: Salisbury District Council is holding a series of training seminars on the recently imposed Code of Conduct for Parish Councillors. Cllr Elcock agreed to attend at 6:00pm on Tuesday, 19th February in the City Hall. Other dates are 26th and 28th February at Antrobus House, Amesbury and Tisbury respectively.

06/02 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: The planning application for the Britford Park and Ride is about to be submitted. It is likely to provide about 400 car and coach parking places and be operational within twelve months. The Harnham relief road application, expected in the 3rd quarter, is likely to lead to a public enquiry.

07/02 Planning: The Agent for the Nunton Farm development has proposed naming the properties as 'Old Dairy Yard'. After a discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would suggest dropping the word 'Yard' from the address. Action: the Clerk

08/02 Queen's Golden Jubilee: Following a discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would not initiate plans.

09/02 Best Kept Village Competition and Floral Enhancement Scheme: Odstock Parish Council will not be applying.

10/02 Correspondence: The Council noted the following correspondence: * 5th Feb - The Personal Placements and Salisbury District Youth Awards. * 30th Jan - Follow up to Parish Council Seminar on 16th Jan. * 14th Jan - Salisbury Community Safety Partnership Strategy 2002/05. * 8th Jan - Wilts Wildlife Trust Questionnaire. * 21st Dec - Report of the SDC Parish and Town Council Liaison meeting on 5th Dec.

11/02 Finance: The Council approved the following payments:
The Radnor Hall - Lease --------------------------- 099 - £500.00p
HAC Joynt - Grass Cutting ------------------------- 100 -- £96.00p
P Ford - From R2 Funds for Odstock Play Ground - 101 - £130.00p

12/02 The next Council Meeting will be held on or about Wednesday, 27th March 2002 in the Radnor Hall.

The meeting closed at 9:04pm

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