Odstock Parish Council

The annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on 8th May 2002 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Dr S Elcock (Chairman), Mr R Poynting, Mrs J Payne, Mr C Berry, Mr R Parsons (Clerk), District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and four members of the public. Apologies were received from Mr R Underhill, Mr C Whitley and Mr S Martin.

23/02 Election of Chairman and Vice-chairman: Cllr Poynting proposed and Cllr Berry seconded, Cllr Elcock as Chairman. Cllr Poynting proposed and Cllr Elcock seconded, Cllr Underhill as Vice-chairman.

24/02 Dates of Forthcoming Council meetings: Wednesday, 4th September; Wednesday, 4th December; Wednesday, 5th February 2003; Wednesday, 26th March; Annual Parish and Annual Council meetings on Wednesday, 14th May 2003.

25/02 Declaration of Interest: None.

26/02 Matters raised at the earlier Annual Parish meeting: Skips soon after Jubilee weekend. Litter pick-up day after the Fete. A parishioner is concerned about the overgrown state of the hedgerows alongside the road into Nunton from the A338.

27/02 Minutes: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 27th March 2002, having been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

28/02 Matters Arising:
* Cllr Elcock reported that the Nunton Field lease was still awaited.
* Cllr Berry expressed concern about Dog mess in the Odstock playing field. Action: the Clerk.
* The Council is pleased with the work done by the WCC Parish Lengthsmen and the Odstock parishioner who liaises with the Co-ordinator was thanked for his attention. The next visit is 7th / 8th August.
* The siting of notice boards was further discussed. It was agreed that these should be sited in close proximity to the three village Postboxes. Action: the Clerk.
* It is expected that all Councillors will have produced their registers of members' interests by 28th May.

29/02 Queen's Golden Jubilee Celebrations: The Council agreed to provide £200 for Jubilee Mugs.

30/02 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: Cllr Berry reported that he is making some progress with persuading the District Council to maintain the road at Shepherds Close. Cllr Elcock agreed to seek clarification about the footpath at Nunton Farm.

31/02 Planning: S/2002/840 - FULL APPLICATION - PROPOSED EXTENSION AND ALTERATIONS at LOWER NUNTON FARMHOUSE, NUNTON. No Objection. * The renaming of Nunton Day Hospital. Action: Cllr Elcock will respond on behalf of the Council to say that the association with Nunton should be retained.

32/02 Correspondence: The Council noted the following correspondence: * Code of Conduct - Update Nos.2&3 from SDC and video and manual from the Standards Board. * Community First information.

33/01 Finance: The Council approved the following payments:
Cornhill Insurance - Policy renewal -- 103 - £242.93p
Sodexho Ltd ------ Grass Cutting --- 104 - £349.40p

34/02 The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 4th September 2002.

The meeting closed at 9:14pm

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