Odstock Parish Council

A meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on 4th September 2002 in The Radnor Hall.

Present: Mr R Underhill (Vice-Chairman), Mr R Poynting, Mr C Berry, Mr R Parsons (Clerk), District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and five members of the public. Apologies were received from Dr S Elcock and Mrs J Payne. Mr C Whitley and Mr S Martin were absent.

35/02 Comments from the Public: * A parishioner pointed out that the time of the meeting was missing from the notice posted on the notice boards. The Clerk apologised for the unintentional omission. * Littering is posing a problem in the Odstock bus-shelter. Action: the Clerk to investigate the possibility of providing a waste bin.
* Concern was expressed about the lack of 30mph warning signs between Britford and Salisbury. Action: the Clerk to consult WCC Highways and suggest that signs could be painted on the road surface. * District Cllr Rycroft advised that there will be a public presentation of the proposals for the Harnham relief road and the Britford Park & Ride scheme at the beginning of October. * Cllr Berry agreed to investigate the status of the local Neighbourhood Watch. * The Clerk will discover which areas of grass in the Parish are being cut and by whom.

36/02 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Underhill declared a personal interest in the Nunton field because of his employment by the owner.

37/02 Minutes: The minutes of the annual Council meeting held on 8th May 2002, having been circulated, were agreed and signed by Cllr Underhill.

38/02 Matters Arising:
* There is significant concern about the lack of progress regarding the proposed lease on the Nunton Field. Action: Cllr Underhill agreed to pursue the matter with the relevant parties.
* A letter had been received from an Odstock parishioner regarding the provision of a facility for the sport of 'dirt jumping' with pushbikes. Action: Cllr Underhill agreed to pass the letters to the Landowner and solicit a response.
* There is substantial concern that the agreed introduction of swings into the Odstock Playing field might not be the most appropriate use of R2 funds. It was agreed that the Council's decision should be re-evaluated at the next PC meeting. Action: Cllr Berry will consult with Odstock parishioners and report back to the PC.
* The manufacture of notice boards is proceeding.
* The Clerk reported that, although there had been no change in the statutory requirement under the 1996 Account and Audit Regulations, the Audit Commission had recommended that an Independent Internal Auditor should be appointed to oversee Parish Council affairs. The Council approved the proposal that the Clerk should approach an unconnected parishioner in anticipation that this person would be able to provide the assurances required by the External Auditor under the new Audit regime. The Notice of Audit is currently displayed on the village notice boards and the 26th September 2002 has been specified as the date for the Exercise of Electors Rights.

39/02 Finance: * The Clerk produced copies of the PC's financial summary and proceeded to explain each item of account and the Bank reconciliation as at 31st March 2002. Cllr Underhill signed the original as a true record and it was agreed that this should form the basis for the Independent Internal Audit. * The Council agreed to the Audit fee of £108 plus vat for the previous year's audit. * A letter from the Odstock and Nunton PCC invited the Council to repeat its annual contribution towards the expense of cutting the grass in the two Churchyards. * In the past a grant has been made towards the publication costs of News & Notes. It was agreed that this should be repeated. * The Clerk's remuneration was considered. This has been £7 per hour since April 2000. A decision will be made later. * The Council approved the following payments:
Bodenham Store - Jubilee Mugs ---------- 105 - £200.00p
R V Maidment Ltd - Skip hire ------------ 106 - £235.00p
Audit Commission - Audit fee 00/01 ------107 - £126.90p
Radnor Hall - Lease --------------------- 108 - £500.00p
Odstock & Nunton PCC - Grass cutting - 109 - £400.00p
News & Notes - Grant ------------------ 110 -- £40.00p
R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account ------ 111 - £240.00p

40/02 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: * It was reported that the lengthsmen's visit on 7th/8th August had been completed satisfactorily and that the next visit is scheduled for 5th/6th December. The Council is grateful to the Odstock parishioner who acts as the lengthsmen's co-ordinator, however, he will not be available for the December visit. * WCC Rights of Way Footpath classification - Cllr Poynting agreed to examine the Rights of Way schedule and map and report back to the next PC meeting.

41/02 Planning: * S/2002/1409 - FULL APPLICATION - ERECTION OF THREE DWELLINGS FOLLOWING DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DAIRY BUILDING. REVISION TO PLANNING PERMISSION S/2001/437 DATED 13TH DECEMBER 2001 at NUNTON FARM, ODSTOCK ROAD, NUNTON. The original application was for conversion of the Dairy Building but it has now been determined that this is not a practical solution. This application is to vary the original permission so that the Dairy Building can be demolished and the dwellings built using as much of the old materials as possible. Since the period for comment by the PC expired on 31st July, the opportunity to respond has passed. * FASTRACK planning report - following feedback from the Area Committee meetings, revised proposals will shortly be presented to District Councillors.

42/02 Anti-Social Behaviour: Cllr Berry is concerned that owners are allowing their dogs to foul the Odstock Playing Field and other communal areas. Dog faeces are a health hazard, especially in play areas. It was resolved that the problem should be publicised in the next edition of News & Notes together with a warning that dog fouling in restricted areas will not be tolerated. Additional 'dog fouling' notices will be erected and direct contact made with the owners of dogs observed fouling. Cllr Berry also reported that garden bonfires are often started without a warning being given to neighbours. It was agreed that an explanation should appear in News & Notes.

43/02 Litter Clear-up Day and Skips: It was decided that the Council would organise a 'litter clear-up day' on Sunday, 13th October and that skips would be ordered for two weeks in October. Action: the Clerk.

44/02 Correspondence: The PC noted the following correspondence: * Ethnic Monitoring guidelines. * Report of Liaison meeting at City Hall on 23rd July. * Police Community Consultation Group - minutes and agenda for 17th September. * Waste Local plan 2011 - Revised Deposit draft. * SDC's FASTRACK planning report. * DEFRA rural services standards 2002 at www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-countryside/ruralwp/ and the first progress report at www.countryside.gov.uk.

45/02 The next Parish Council meeting: Cllr Underhill suggested that another meeting would be needed before the next scheduled meeting on Wednesday, 4th December 2002. It was agreed that a meeting would be arranged towards the end of October and each Councillor would be notified of the proposed date.

The meeting closed at 9:40pm

Signed without amendment by the Chairman on 16th October 2002.

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