Odstock Parish Council

A meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on 16th October 2002 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Dr S Elcock (Chairman), Mr C Whitley, Mr R Poynting, Mr C Berry, Mr S Martin, Mrs J Payne, Mr R Parsons (Clerk), District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and four members of the public. Apologies were received from Mr R Underhill and County Cllr J Johnson.

46/02 Comments from the Public: * The Radnor Hall committee provided the Council with a copy of the Trust deed. * An Odstock parishioner thanked the Clerk for resolving the litter problem in the Odstock bus-shelter.

47/02 Declaration of Interest: None.

48/02 Minutes: The minutes of the Council meeting held on 4th September 2002, having been circulated, were agreed and signed by Chairman.

49/02 Matters Arising:
* The manufacture of notice boards has been delayed but will be completed by March 2003 at the latest.
* It was noted that skips had been delivered and that the litter clearance day had been successful.

50/02 Finance: * The Clerk reported that a parishioner had inspected the Parish Council's accounts and had found them to be accurate and complete. The Annual return has been sent to the External Auditor.
* The Council approved the following payments:
HAC Joynt - Grass cutting -------------- 112 - £135.00p
Radnor Estate - Rent -------------------- 113 -- £10.00p
Sodexho Land Tech Ltd - Grass cutting - 114 - £183.85p
R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account ------ 115 - £240.00p

51/02 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: * Cllr Elcock reported that road drains at Nunton had been unblocked and Cllr Martin reported that there were blockages along Nunton Drove needing attention. Action: By the Lengthsmen on 5th/6th December. * It was reported that the hedge on the left-hand side of the road from Odstock crossroads to towards the hospital is overgrown. Action: the Clerk will contact the farmer concerned. * Cllr Poynting reported that the footpaths in the Parish are all passable and that the Avon Valley Path is a priority WCC Right of Way.

52/02 Nunton Field: * Cllr Elcock produced a specimen draft lease and there followed a discussion. It was agreed that a formal lease should be drawn up without delay. Action: Cllr Elcock.
* There was a discussion about a memorial for Robert Craig who had recently died while visiting the playing field. It was agreed that a dedicated seat would be appropriate.

53/02 Odstock Playground: * It was noted that the netball court had been resurfaced and that a reminder about dog fouling had appeared in News & Notes.

54/02 Correspondence: The PC noted the following correspondence: * Periodic Review of Election Wards by the Boundary Commission. * Presentation on the Community Planning Toolkit on 24th October. * Agenda 21 meeting at City Hall on 23rd October. * 26th September - Code of Conduct - Amendment to the Register of Interests. * Creation of Artworks for SDC.

55/02 Race Relations: Odstock PC acknowledges the general duty placed on it by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000.

56/02 The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 4th December 2002.

57/02 Clerk's remuneration and Contract of Employment: The Clerk reported that he had recently rejoined the Society of Local Council Clerks. The SLCC provides advice, training and support to enable the role of Parish Council Clerk to be performed effectively and legally. A specimen Clerk's contract of employment is available and in conjunction with the National Association of Local Councils, salary recommendations are published annually. The Council agreed to consider these recommendations.

The meeting closed at 8:45pm

Signed without amendment by the Chairman on 4th December 2002

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