Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on 13th May 2003 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Robert Underhill (the retiring PC Vice-Chairman), Cliff Whitley, Rod Poynting, Sue Nicholls, Brian Clake, Jean Payne and Richard Parsons (Clerk) and four members of the public. Apologies were received from Sherwood Elcock (the retiring PC Chairman), Simon Martin, Colin Berry, District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and County Cllr Julian Johnson.

12/03 Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Following the Election on 1st May, each Member made the required Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Councillor. The Register of Member's Interests will be delivered to the SDC Monitoring Officer within 28 days. The elected members are as follows:
            BERRY, Colin Stephen, Carmel, Shepherds Close, Odstock
            CLAKE, Nigel Brian, Broadmeadow, Nunton Drove, Nunton
            MARTIN, Simon Timothy, Nunton Farm, Nunton
            NICHOLLS, Susan Elizabeth, Staddle Stones, Nunton Drove, Nunton
            PAYNE, Jean, Brensham, Nunton Drove, Nunton
            POYNTING, Roderick Clive, Cottage 109, Bodenham
            WHITLEY, Clifford, Lynford House, Nunton

13/03 Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Underhill called for nominations to the Office of Chairman of the PC and Cllr Clake proposed Cllr Poynting. Cllr Whitley seconded the proposal and all agreed. Cllr Poynting took the Chair and Robert Underhill took his leave of the meeting. Cllr Payne proposed and Cllr Nicholls seconded Cllr Whitley as Vice-Chairman.

14/03 Comments from the Public: * Parishioners were concerned about the excessive speed of drivers through the villages and also the overgrown hedgerows along the C12 Nunton to Odstock road. Action: The Clerk will ask WCC if the Speed Indicator Display (SID) device can be deployed and the owners of the relevant hedgerows will be contacted. * Abandoned Vehicles at Shepherds Close and parking near the hospital and on the pavement adjacent to the new houses at the Old Dairy are still unresolved issues. Action: The Clerk will liaise with the relevant authorities.

15/03 Dates of forthcoming Parish Council Wednesday evening meetings: * 2nd July * 10th September.

16/03 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Clake declared a personal interest in any matter concerning the Village Hall Committee since he is the treasurer. He will refrain from taking a proactive part in discussions on this topic.

17/03 Minutes of the meeting on 16th April 2003, having been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

18/03 Matters Arising:
* 05/03.Proposals to reactivate Neighbourhood Watch will be discussed at a future PC meeting.
* It was agreed that Skips should be deployed in the villages during June. There was a discussion about the suitability of the skip site in the Nunton lay-by but it was resolved to make no change for now. Action: The Clerk.
* Noticeboards for Nunton and Odstock are in hand. Action: The Clerk.
* In the past a local craftsman has repaired the Bus Shelters and it was agreed that this arrangement should continue. Action: The Clerk will liaise with the craftsman. It was noted that the terms of the leases for the three wooden bus shelters are still in force since the rents are billed for and paid each year.
* A lease on the Nunton field is expected to be available for consideration at the next meeting. Action: The Clerk.
* The Odstock Playingfield is continuing to be maintained by Sodexho Land Technology Ltd.
* It was agreed that Odstock PC would be represented at the Nunton Fête on Saturday, 12th July and that plans for the development of the field should be made available at that time.

19/03 Youth Development: The Clerk reported that he had established a dialogue with the WCC Youth Development co-ordinator. This should provide an opportunity to discover how the younger generation in the community expected youth facilities to be developed. Action: The Clerk.

20/03 Reports: There were no reports from WCC, SDC or the Police.

21/03 Finance: * The PC's Insurance renewal was reviewed and the Clerk reported that the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils (WALC) was arranging a group scheme underwritten by Zurich Municipal for PCs in Wiltshire. It was agreed that Odstock PC would accept the lowest quote for a comparable Insurance policy. It was noted that the PC would need to be a member of WALC in order to take advantage of the Group scheme. * The Annual Audit Return for the year ended 31st March 2003 was completed from the previously agreed accounts and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. A meeting with the Parishioner who has agreed to provide the Independent Internal Audit will be arranged and providing there are no errors or omissions the return will be forwarded to the External Auditor.

22/03 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: *A Parishioner had reported that horses had been fouling the walkways between Odstock and Nunton. The Clerk stated that, whilst there were byelaws to control fouling by dogs, there were no similar regulations that applied to horses being ridden. * The next lengthsmen's visit is scheduled for 13th/14th August.

23/03 Planning:
* To consider the Countryside Agency's Parish Plans Publication - Cllr Nicholls agreed to review this.

24/03 Correspondence: * SDC Skip Grant for 2003/04. * Wiltshire and Swindon Waste Local Plan 2011 Public Inquiry will commence on 29th April. * Notice of Forum meetings by the Cranborne Chase & West Wilts AONB.

25/03 The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 2nd July 2003.

The meeting closed at 9:15pm

Signed without amendment by Cllr Rod Poynting, the PC Chairman, on 2nd July 2003.

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