Odstock Parish Council

A meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on 2nd July 2003 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Sue Nicholls, Brian Clake, Colin Berry, District Cllr Bryan Rycroft, County Cllr Julian Johnson, Richard Parsons (Clerk) and three members of the public. Apologies were received from Simon Martin and Jean Payne.

26/03 Comments from the Public: * None. * Cllr Poynting propose a vote of thanks to Sherwood Elcock and Robert Underhill for their service on the Parish Council and this was endorsed by all the members.

27/03 Declaration of Interest: None.

28/03 Minutes of the annual meeting on 13th May 2003 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

29/03 Matters Arising:
* Cllr Whitley reported that interest in operating a Neighbourhood Watch scheme had proved to be difficult to sustain in the past. It was agreed to canvass villagers on this subject at the forthcoming Nunton Fête.
* Four Skips had been filled and removed from the villages during June.
* The removal of abandoned cars and the problems of parking on the Odstock road are in hand.
* Bus shelter maintenance is in hand and the installation of the new noticeboards is still awaited.
* Cllr Nicholls agreed to liaise with the WCC Youth Development Co-ordinator.

30/03 Use of Nunton Field: Cllr Clake reported that there was a general lack of care by the users of the field. The gang mowers provided by a parishioner had deteriorated and were in need of maintenance. The Pavilion is frequently left in an untidy state. Cllr Whitley was insistent that a proper management scheme needed to be implemented. Action: Cllr Clake agreed to have the locks changed on the Pavilion and equipment shed and the Clerk agreed to obtain a quotation for cutting the grass regularly.

31/03 The PC at Nunton Fête: Cllr Whitley and Cllr Nicholls agreed to represent the Parish Council at the Nunton Fête. Feedback will be obtained on the proposals for developing the Nunton field.

32/03 Reports: There were no reports from WCC, SDC or the Police.
* The Wiltshire Association of Local Councils AGM is on 17th July and is being chaired by Robert Key MP.
* The Standards Board has provided a video that shows the Code of Conduct in action.

33/03 Finance: * The Clerk reported that the Insurance quote from Community First had offered a saving of nearly £100 against the offer from Cornhill to renew. Since the PC had agreed to accept the lowest quote for comparable cover, the policy underwritten by Zurich Municipal had been accepted. * Membership of the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils for the remainder of the year amounted to £93.80p. * There was some concern that the Clerk's contract of employment had still not been resolved. * The following payments were approved:
Wiltshire Association of Local Councils - Subscription 126 £110.22p
Community First - Insurance Policy 127 £265.13p
R V Maidment Ltd - Skip hire 128 £258.52p
Salisbury District Council - Election Expenses 129 £296.75p
R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account 130 £400.00p

34/03 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: * A report of the visit by the SID unit revealed that between 300 and 500 cars per day are exceeding the 30mph speed limit through the villages. Action: Ask Alderbury Police to conduct speed checks. * Roadside hedgerows and verges are in need of maintenance. Action: The Clerk to make direct contact with the owners responsible. * The next lengthsmen's visit is scheduled for 13th/14th August.

35/03 Planning:
* Cllr Nicholls reported that she had studied the Countryside Agency's Parish Plans Publication. Initially, a Steering Committee of up to 12 people would be needed and the production of a Parish Plan was likely to take 12-18 months. It was thought unlikely that enough volunteers would be found to begin a project of this type and so, unless significant interest was received at the Nunton Fête, it was agreed that to start a project now might be inappropriate.

36/03 Correspondence: Monthly circulars from WALC.

37/03 The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 10th September 2003.

The meeting closed at 9:40pm

Signed without amendment by Cllr Rod Poynting, the PC Chairman, on 10th September 2003.

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