Odstock Parish Council

A meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on 10th September 2003 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Sue Nicholls, Brian Clake, Simon Martin, County Cllr Julian Johnson, Richard Parsons (Clerk) and one member of the public. Apologies were received from District Cllr Bryan Rycroft, Colin Berry and Jean Payne.

38/03 Comments from the Public: A parishioner asked about refurbishment at Jubilee Gardens. It was proposed that a quantity of Railway Sleepers and Fence Posts would be needed and someone to do the work. A SWAG application could be made to help finance the project. Action: The Clerk will investigate.

39/03 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Martin declared a personal and prejudicial interest in any discussion relating to the proposed lease on the Nunton field. He will absent himself from the meeting as appropriate.

40/03 Minutes of the meeting on 2nd July, having been circulated, were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

41/03 Matters Arising:
* District Cllr Rycroft is dealing with an abandoned vehicle in Shepherds Close and Cllr Martin has removed a vehicle to Longford Farm that had been crashed into a field. He reported it to the District Council in July.
* It was agreed that when the autumn skips are ordered, one should be positioned in the layby on Nunton Drove.
* The Clerk reported that the double-sided noticeboard had been installed next to the Bus Shelter in Nunton and that the noticeboard to be sited next to the Odstock telephone kiosk was in hand. Members were in agreement.
* Cllr Poynting reported that he had examined the Bus Shelters with the parishioner who does the maintenance. Members agreed to spend up to £270 including material on much needed maintenance to the three Bus Shelters.
* Cllr Nicholls reported that although she had spoken to the WCC Community Youth Development Co-ordinator by telephone, she had not had to opportunity to meet her face to face. Action: Cllr Nicholls.

42/03 Use of Nunton Field: Cllr Clake reported that he had changed the locks on the Pavilion and equipment shed and that two football teams were using the pitch regularly on Saturdays and Sundays paying £10 per match. He produced invoices totaling £40.95p for repairs and a cheque for £10. Members agreed to pay these accounts.

43/03 The PC at Nunton Fête: Cllr Whitley produced a plan and comprehensive notes to support proposals for developing the Nunton field. He has consulted WCC about access from Nunton Drove and SDC about the availability of R2 funds. Action: Cllr Whitley agreed to obtain three quotations for each aspect of the proposals.

44/03 Reports: * The next Police Community Consultative meeting is on 23rd September at Hindon Village Hall.
* The next Agenda 21 committee meeting is in the City Hall on 22nd October.

45/03 Finance: * The following payments were approved:
Burnbake Trust - Noticeboard (SWAGrant) - 131 - £445.00p
B Clake - New locks for pavilion and shed -- 132 -- £20.95p
A T Harris - Mower repair ------------------ 133 -- £20.00p
Radnor Hall - 6mths lease ------------------- 134 - £250.00p
R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account ---------- 135 - £200.00p

46/03 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: * There had been a number of complaints about the effectiveness of the lengthsmen's visit on 13th/14th August. These had been reported to WCC highways to resolve. * There have also been complaints about the maintenance of roadside hedgerows, verges and footways. Action: Cllr Whitely agreed to contact SDC about the footways and the Clerk will discover who is responsible for hedgerows. * The Clerk reported that he had had a conversation with PC Fry about roadside car parking, speeding and random crime. A small number of motorists have received speeding fines and it was suggested that parked cars help to slow the traffic, although it is an offence to obstruct a footpath. Theft from unattended vehicles is common and owners must be more vigilant.

47/03 Planning: Members had no objections to the following applications: S/2003/1517, 1632, 1662 and 1779.

48/03 Correspondence: Members noted the schedule of available correspondence.

49/03 The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 29th October 2003.

50/03 Confidential Item from which it was resolved members of the public should be excluded: Members considered the draft of a lease for the Nunton field and resolved to consult SDC and WALC. There being no definition of the word 'Recreation', members were concerned that clause 4.6 might prove to be too restrictive and needs to be clarified. Clause 4.7 requires Landlord's approval before improvements are made. The £20m joint public liability cover that was stipulated in clause 4.13 was of concern since the PC's current policy is limited to £5M.

The meeting closed at 9:45pm

Signed without amendment by Cllr Rod Poynting, the PC Chairman, on 21th January 2004.

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