Odstock Parish Council

A meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on 24th March 2004 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Sue Nicholls, Colin Berry, Brian Clake, Sherwood Elcock, Richard Parsons (Clerk), District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and three members of the public. Apologies were received from Cliff Whitley and Simon Martin.

24/04 Comments from the Public: A parishioner asked if WCC would be installing more new Bus Shelters.

25/04 Declaration of Interest: None.

26/04 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 21st January, having been circulated, were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

27/04 Abandoned Vehicles: None to report.

28/04 Noticeboard for Odstock village: This is still under construction.

29/04 Bus Shelters: Members proposed that WCC should be invited to put another bus shelter opposite the new one installed near the Post Office in Bodenham. Action: The Clerk was instructed to consult with WCC and the Longford Estate about the practicalities of this.

30/04 Jubilee Gardens: Members discussed how the proposed repair and refurbishment might be achieved. Cllr Elcock proposed inviting suggestions from the Cain Consultancy. Ref. www.RiverDoctor.co.uk.

31/04 Youth Development: Nothing to report.

32/04 P&TC Liaison meetings: These had helped to clarify the procedures that the SDC Planning department hope will lead to faster planning decisions as required by Central Government.

33/04 Finance: * Members confirmed that they had been satisfied with the Independent Internal Audit for 2002/03 and agreed that the appointment should continue. * The following payments were approved:
         Sodexho Land Tech Ltd - Grass Cutting ----------- 143 - £202.25p
         R Parsons - Clerk's fee and expenses for 2003/04 - 144 - £280.00p
         Radnor Hall - Hire of meeting room ---------------- 145 -- £70.00p

34/04 Footpaths: Members were concerned that parts of the Avon Valley footpath are becoming difficult to negotiate. Action: The Clerk will consult the WCC Rights of Way officer.

35/04 Roadside Drainage: Action by WCC to cut grips across the verge on Nunton Drove is anticipated.

36/04 Nunton to Odstock Footpath: Members believe that the PC should establish whether the current condition of this footpath is in line with the original concept. Action: The Clerk will consult with SDC.

37/04 Planning: Members noted the renewal of the Public Entertainment Licence for Nunton Football Field.

38/04 Police Report: DCllr Rycroft reported on the public meeting that had been held in the City Hall on 12th January. The meeting concluded that both the Chief Constable and the Board to which the police are accountable should be determined by selection rather than by being elected. There was strong support for a proposal aimed at keeping the Wiltshire Force separate rather than being regionally amalgamated.

39/04 The Annual Parish meeting will be held at 7:00pm on Wednesday, 19th May 2004. The Annual Odstock Parish Council meeting will be held immediately following the Annual Parish meeting.

40/04 Confidential Item: Members were satisfied with the revised terms of the proposed lease on the Nunton Field and the Clerk was instructed to consult with the PC's insurance company about public liability cover.

The meeting closed at 9:18pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 19th May 2004.
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