Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 19th May 2004 in The Radnor Hall at Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Sue Nicholls, Brian Clake, Sherwood Elcock, Simon Martin, Richard Parsons (Clerk), District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and three members of the public. Apologies were received from Colin Berry.

41/04 Annual Parish Meeting: The Chairman reported that during the year the PC had participated in the Nunton Fête, provide skips on two occasions and commissioned the new noticeboard in Nunton. The PC had asked for some amendments to the proposed lease on the Nunton Football Field and with all parties now in agreement, the formal signing of the legal documents could proceed. The Lengthsmen scheme continues to provide a worthwhile service and the PC is grateful to Odstock villager Ken White for ensuring that parishioners are satisfied with the results.

42/04 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Elcock proposed and Cllr Clake seconded, Cllr Poynting as Chairman. Cllr Poynting proposed and Cllr Martin seconded, Cllr Whitley as Vice-chairman.

43/04 Dates of PC Meetings: * 15th September * 1st December * 19th January 2005 * 23rd March * 18th May.

44/04 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Martin declared a personal interest in matters relating to the Nunton Field.

45/04 Minutes of the PC meeting held on 24th March, having been circulated, were agreed as a true record.

46/04 Noticeboard for Odstock village: This has now been installed adjacent to the telephone kiosk.

47/04 Bus Shelters: Members considered the possibility of siting a bus shelter opposite the new one installed near the Post Office in Bodenham. WCC will be invited to incorporate this into their future program of improvements.

48/04 Jubilee Gardens: There were no new proposals for members to consider.

49/04 Youth Development: Cllr Nicholls reported that the WCC Youth Development Co-ordinator had made progress, in conjunction with the Landlady of the Radnor Arms, towards planning some visits to Nunton.

50/04 Management of the Nunton Field: Cllr Clake agreed to prepare a management plan for members to consider at a future meeting. Members resolved that the lease should commence at the beginning of July.

51/04 Finance: The following payments were approved:
                 WALC - annual subscription ---------- 146 - £135.82p
                 Community First - Insurance Premium - 147 - £275.09p
                 Burnbake Trust - Noticeboard -------- 148 - £265.00p
                 R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account ---- 149 - £400.00p

52/04 Skips: The Clerk reported that the cost of hiring skips had risen to £60 each. Members resolved to maintain this service at the same level as last year. The PC will supplement the SDC Skip grant from reserves.

53/04 Avon Valley Footpath: Nothing to report from the WCC Rights of Way officer.

54/04 Nunton to Odstock Footpath: Nothing to report on the status of this footpath.

55/04 Planning: S/2004/1065 - CHANGE OF USE - TO DENTAL SURGERY - D1 (FROM D2) AND RAMPED ACCESS at THE BARN ODSTOCK MANOR - No objections.

56/04 Britford Park & Ride: District Cllr Rycroft reported that this was scheduled to be ready by April 2005.

57/04 Wiltshire Association of Local Councils: Local Councils are being consulted on a Charter that will define the relationship between the County, District and Parish Councils.

58/04 Community Plans: WCC & SDC are organising consultation meetings to update these local plans.

59/04 Correspondence: Members noted the schedule of correspondence.

60/04 Bonfires: Cllr Clake reported that he had received complaints about garden bonfires.

61/04 The next PC meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Wednesday, 15th September 2004.

The meeting closed at 9:05pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 15th September 2004.
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