Odstock Parish Council

A meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 1st December 2004 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Simon Martin, Colin Berry, Sue Martin, Brian Clake, Sherwood Elcock, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Wiltshire County Cllr Julian Johnson, Salisbury District Cllr Bryan Rycroft, WCC Community Planner David Bunting and six members of the public.

83/04 Open Public Forum: * A Nunton parishioner raised the issue of increased noise levels from the Playing field when in use. Concern was also voiced regarding the maintenance of fencing behind the goalposts. * Fast growing brambles are making the pavements and walkways to Bodenham particularly treacherous. * Another parishioner put forward the opinion that there needs to be a lower speed limit on the dual carriageway.

84/04 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Simon Martin declared a personal interest in Nunton Football Field matters.

85/04 Minutes of the PC meeting held on 15th September were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

86/04 Jubilee Gardens: Cllr Elcock produced the results of a consultation that he had instigated to determine how the eroded riverbanks might be repaired and protected against future damage. Members agreed that before any repair scheme could be considered, ownership and responsibility for maintenance would need to be established.

87/04 Wiltshire Waste: Household recycling in the UK must increase from 20% to 33% by 2006 or financial penalties will be incurred. WCC is introducing several initiatives to help increase recycling rates. In conjunction with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, the 'shredder days' initiative is to be extended in 2005. A suitable site must be available to take advantage of this scheme and single days in Spring and Autumn can be accommodated.

88/04 Skips: Members are concerned that the community skip scheme does not provide equal opportunity for use by all parishioners. Some other Parishes are using the skip grant to fund extra visits by the regular SDC refuse vehicles.

89/04 Grass and Hedge Cutting in the Nunton Field: Cllr Clake reported that a parishioner had offered to help with grass cutting. A figure of about £200 was mentioned as the likely cost. Cllr Simon Martin reported that hedge cutting would be charged at a cost of £15 per hour.

90/04 Other Uses of the Nunton Field: Members agreed that the PC should be receptive to considering alternative non-commercial uses for the field that might include Tennis Courts and Cricket Nets.

91/04 Electrical Survey: Cllr Clake reported that an electrical survey of the Pavilion was needed. This might cost as much as £250. Members agreed to this expenditure.

92/04 Developing the Nunton Field: Cllr Whitley reported that he was in the process of submitting a planning application to SDC for the proposed improvements to the Nunton Field including erection of a double garage as storage, improved road access and the creation of a car park and a play area. A £55 planning fee will be required.

93/04 Budget for 2005/06: Members reviewed the prepared budget that indicated a precept of £10,000. It was agreed that Odstock PC should issue a precept of £10,000 on Salisbury District Council.

94/04 SDC Independent Parish Remuneration Panel: Members agreed to adopt the recommendations.

95/04 Payments: The following were approved:
                 H A C Joynt - Grass cutting ------- 157 - £136.50p
                 Radnor Hall - Hire for meetings ---- 158 -- £56.00p
                 R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account - 159 - £360.00p
                 SDC - Planning Application Fee ---- 160 -- £55.00p
                 Southern Electric - Playing Field ---- 161 -- £73.93p

96/04 WCC Lengthsmen: The next visit is scheduled for 18th/19th January 2005.

97/04 Traffic Management: Cllr Elcock proposed that some form of traffic calming was needed on the road outside Odstock Primary School. The high traffic flow caused by the temporary traffic lights at the Britford Park and Ride site is increasing the risk of accident. Action: The Clerk will consult with the Salisbury Joint Transportation Team for possible solutions and Cllr Elcock agreed to negotiate with WCC on behalf of the School.


99/04 Neighbourhood Watch: Members believe that the PC should initiate a meeting to determine public interest.

100/04 The next PC meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Wednesday, 19th January 2005.

The meeting closed at 9:10pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 19th January 2005.
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