Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held at 7.30 pm on 18th May 2005 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Brian Clake, Sue Martin, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Salisbury District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and thirteen members of the public.
Apologies: WC Cllr Julian Johnson and Sherwood Elcock. Absent: Simon Martin and Colin Berry.

31/05 Annual Parish Meeting:
1. The Chairman delivered his report for the previous year. In July the PC had formally agreed a lease on the Nunton Football field for use as a Recreation Ground. He regretted that obtaining agreement on the siting of the proposed play area was delaying the implementation of this project. The PC had been pleased that WCC had provided two new bus shelters at Bodenham and the third Noticeboard, funded by a SWAGrant, had been installed next to the telephone kiosk in Odstock. Skips had been deployed in the villages during July and again in November. Two scheduled WCC Lengthsmen' visits had taken place and extra visits had been arranged to deal with specific issues. The PC had been concerned at the increase in traffic through the villages, likely to have been caused by the road works associated with the Britford Park & Ride installation on the A338. Once this facility is operational the PC hope that traffic flows will return to normal. In April the PC had organised a Neighbourhood Watch and Community Safety meeting in the Radnor Hall. This had proved successful and several parishioners had taken advantage of Wiltshire Fire Brigade's offer of free smoke alarms. The Clerk reported that the PC's expenditure during the year had been £5,320 and that the balance to be carried forward amounted to £13,750.
2. There was considerable debate about proposals for improved access to the Nunton Football field. Several Nunton Drove residents expressed concern and PC members were asked to reconsider the proposed plans.
3. A parishioner was concerned that the PC had appeared to have decided to replace the annual deployment of skips with special visits by a manned regular refuse collection vehicle.
4. A parishioner was concerned at the increase in the amount of the PC's annual precept.

32/05 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Cliff Whitley proposed and Cllr Sue Martin seconded, Cllr Rod Poynting as Chairman. The Chairman proposed and Cllr Brian Clake seconded, Cllr Cliff Whitley as Vice-chairman.

33/05 Election of Committees: Members resolved that Odstock PC would not need any committees.

34/05 Declaration of Interest: None.

35/05 Delegation of Functions: LGA 1972 s101 allows for the functions of a statutory authority to be discharged through a committee, sub-committee, officer or any other local authority. The Chairman proposed and Cllr Clake seconded that when necessary, statutory functions should be delegated to the Clerk as Proper Officer of Odstock Parish Council. This was agreed unanimously.

36/05 Meeting Dates: Members resolved that ordinary meetings of Odstock Parish Council should take place on the following dates: 14th September, 7th December, 18th January 2006, 22nd March and the 2006 Annual meeting would be held on 17th May. In accordance with LGA72 sch.12 s.9(1), Extraordinary PC meetings can be called at any time and may be subject to LGA72 sch.12 s.10(2) requiring three clear days notice.

37/05 Minutes of the PC meeting held on 23th March 2005 were agreed as a true record subject to the clarification of minute no.26/05(b); Cllr Clake had actually stated that the PC would re-assess traffic flows through the villages once the disruption caused by the Britford Park & Ride had subsided. The minute as written did not accurately identify the actions that he was proposing the PC should take. Members agreed that this amendment should be recorded and resolved that the Chairman should sign the minutes as a true record.

38/05 Matters Arising:
a) Nunton Field:
Due to the extent of the concern shown by Nunton Drove residents, the Chairman proposed that a site meeting should be arranged for the benefit of PC members and Nunton Drove residents. Action: Cllr Whitley agreed to draft a letter to the Longford Estate Office expressing the general concerns of Nunton Drove residents and of OPC members.
b) Electrical Contract: Cllr Clake reported that the second quote was similar to the first from Bennett & Dean who had prepared the original electrical survey. Members resolved that Cllr Clake should liaise with Bennett & Dean to ensure that the work was completed to the PC's satisfaction.
c) WALC Briefing Day: The 2004 National Agreement between SLCC and NALC aimed to put the emphasis for reward onto the workload of a Parish Clerk rather than by reference to the population size of a parish, as had been the case in the past. The result should be that no Clerk is paid for less than four hours per week and that following careful analysis, an appropriate starting level should be determined within the spinal column points system as agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services. Thereafter, recommended annual increments can be related to years of service and/or educational achievements.
d) SLCC Training: Members approved the fee to enable the Clerk to attend the training conference in Devizes on 20th May.

39/05 Neighbourhood Watch and Community Safety meeting: Members noted the success of this event that had been reported on in the May edition of News & Notes. Cllr Whitley reported that he had taken advantage of the free offer from Wiltshire Fire Brigade for the installation of residential smoke alarms.

40/05 Finance:
a) Community First:
Members resolved to accept the invitation to renew the PC's Zurich Municipal insurance policy for 2005/06 at a premium of £306.50p.
b) Chairman's Allowance: The Chairman would not require an allowance for 2005/06.
c) PC Accounts for y/e March 2005: Members approved the accounts as presented.
d) Internal Auditor: Members agreed to the re-appointment of the OPC Internal Auditor.
e) Payments: The following were approved:
                WALC - Annual Subscription --------- 172 - £139.71p
                Community First - Insurance Premium - 173 - £306.50p
                R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account ---- 174 - £380.00p
                SLCC - Training Conference Fee ----- 175 -- £25.00p

41/05 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) WCC Parish Lengthsmen:
The Parish Lengthsmen Co-ordinator agreed to prepare a schedule of tasks for the planned Lengthsmen visit on 27th / 28th June. Any unresolved issue following the visit will be the subject of a request for an extra visit.
b) Traffic Management: Members noted Cllr Clake's comments regarding minute no.26/05(b) and resolved to re-visit this subject once the Britford Park & Ride was fully operational.
c) Clarence: WCC had provided details of the actions taken in respect of eleven Clarence Defect Reports received from Odstock Parish between 22-Sep-04 and 14-Mar-05. Freephone: 0800-23-23-23.
d) Fly Tipping: It had been reported that rubbish was being dumped in the Odstock school carpark.
e) Parking at the Hospital: District Cllr Rycroft relayed a message from County Cllr Johnson that there was no progress to report.
f) Harnham Relief Road: District Cllr Rycroft invited OPC to respond to the consultation. Action: Cllr Whitley agreed to draft a letter to WCC objecting to the proposals on the grounds that the road through Nunton and Odstock would be likely to suffer a substantial increase in traffic.

42/05 Planning:
a) S/2005/0835

43/05 Reports and Correspondence:
a) Trafalgar Commemoration:
District Cllr Rycroft reported that Villagers planned to mark this historic occasion on 27th August. In 1805, a messenger travelling from Devon had passed through Coombe Bissett en route to London with news of the outcome of the Battle of Trafalgar.
b) Wiltshire Association of Local Councils: Members noted that the AGM is in Devizes on 8th July.
c) Southern Area Community Plan: The Clerk agreed to attend the meeting in the City Hall on 25th May to review the Community Planning Process.

44/05 The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 14th September.

The meeting closed at 9:20pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 14th September 2005.
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