Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council will be held on 17th May 2006 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Brian Clake, Sue Martin, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Salisbury District Cllr Bryan Rycroft, WC Cllr Julian Johnson and five members of the public.
Apologies: Sherwood Elcock. Absent: Simon Martin and Colin Berry.

24/06 Annual Parish Meeting: 
1. The Chairman reported that the new play area had been completed and formally opened on 12th May.
2. Cliff Whitley proceeded to deliver a presentation on the improvements being made to the Nunton Football Field. A vote of thanks was proposed for Cllr Whitley whose dedication to the successful project management of the improvements being carried out to the Nunton Field had ensured that these were being completed on time and within the budget approved by the Parish Council. It is anticipated that the reconstruction of the storage shed will be completed in time for the Grand Fête on 15th July.
3. The Radnor Hall Committee reported a successful year with income of about £4000 matching expenditure. Bookings included Social Events, Art Classes, Tiny Tots, Shoot Lunches, Kids' Parties and council meetings.
4. A parishioner was concerned that the Hospital buildings were highly visible at night. Could the Hospital management be persuaded to plant trees to reduce the impact of light pollution? 

25/06 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Cliff Whitley proposed and Cllr Brian Clake seconded, Cllr Rod Poynting as Chairman. The Chairman proposed and Cllr Sue Martin seconded, Cllr Cliff Whitley as Vice-chairman.

26/06 Declaration of Interest: None.

27/06 Delegation of Functions: LGA 1972 s101 allows for the functions of a statutory authority to be discharged through a committee, sub-committee, officer or any other local authority. It was agreed that when necessary, statutory functions should be delegated to the Clerk as Proper Officer of Odstock Parish Council. 

28/06 Meeting Dates: Members resolved that ordinary meetings of Odstock Parish Council should take place on the following dates: 13th September, 6th December, 17th January 2007, 21st March and the 2007 Annual meeting would be held on 16th May. In accordance with LGA72 sch.12 s.9(1), Extraordinary PC meetings can be called by the Chairman at any time and may be subject to LGA72 sch.12 s.10(2) requiring three clear days notice.

29/06 Minutes of the PC meeting held on 22nd March were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 

30/06 Matters Arising:
a) Storage Shed, Pavilion & extra Works: Ref: Cllr Whitley's reports dated 20th March and 16th May [appended]. Following the two quotes presented at the last meeting, Cllr Whitley had engaged Mark Phillips as the preferred builder. Since he is not registered for VAT, the PC will purchase materials in its own name so that VAT can be recovered. The Fête Committee will provide some of the manpower costs required for the project with the balance being paid out of Parish Council funds. Members unanimously approved the reports as presented, noting the price agreed for the Store is £11,615.97p inc VAT for completion before the Fête and additional works within the total previously agreed budget of £15,000.
b) Nunton Field: Members unanimously approved the improvements, proposed by Cllr Whitley, to the Rose Lane entrance including the fitting of new gates at a cost of £174.70p plus VAT. It has also become apparent that the septic tank will need to be emptied and it may be necessary to jet the drains. Maintenance of the field and play area was discussed and other improvements such as a gravel path from Nunton Drove to the play area would be considered later. 
c) Football Clubs: There was a debate about the terms of use that should be applied to those wanting to use the recreation field facilities. Action: Cllr Whitley agreed to consult the Parks department to learn how SDC dealt with these issues and Cllr Clake agreed to continue liaising with the Football Clubs. 
d) Shepherds Close: There was a debate about the unresolved responsibility for vehicular access to Shepherds Close. It was noted that the fence between the carpark and the playing field was in a poor state of repair but until a satisfactory response had been received from SDC, it was unlikely that any improvements would be made. Action: Salisbury District Cllr Bryan Rycroft was asked to assist. 

31/06 Finance:
a) Community First: Members resolved to accept the invitation to renew the PC's insurance policy with Zurich Municipal for 2006/07 at a premium of £352.88p.
b) Wiltshire Association of Local Councils: Members approved the annual subscription of £156.26p
c) Chairman's Allowance: LGA s.15(5) states that 'a PC may pay the chairman for the purpose of enabling him to meet the expenses of his office such allowance as the council think reasonable'. It is prudent to set aside a sum of money even if not taken by the chairman. An allowance of £50 was approved for 2006/07.
d) PC Accounts for y/e March 2006: The Clerk explained that it would be beneficial to the PC for the accounts to be presented as income and expenditure rather than the receipts and payments basis as used previously. Members approved the accounts as presented. Cllr Whitley proposed a vote of thanks for the Clerk's continued attention to the council's affairs.
e) Annual Return 2005/2006: Members were able to answer all questions in the affirmative.
f) Internal Auditor: Members agreed to the re-appointment of OPC's Internal Auditor. 
g) Payments: The following were approved:
Glendale Roofing Supplies - Storage Shed - 202 --- £243.81p
Sydenhams - Storage Shed ---------------- 203 - £2,317.94p
Travis Perkins - Storage Shed ------------- 204 --- £254.65p
Playdale Playgrounds Ltd - Playground ---- 205 - £2,352.35p
SCATS Countrystores plc - Nunton Field - 206 --- £205.27p
Playdale Playgrounds Ltd - Playground ---- 207 - £9,797.15p 
WALC - Annual Subscription ------------- 208 --- £156.26p
Community First - Insurance Premium ----- 209 --- £352.88p
R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account -------- 210 --- £400.00p

32/06 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) WCC Parish Lengthsmen: This scheme is being revised and the final visit under the old scheme will be carried out on 27th / 28th June. A new scheme, yet to be advised, will commence in September. Action: Clarence on Freephone: 0800-23-23-23 is the most effective method for reporting road defects.
b) Odstock Road: Following the completion of repairs to the bridges, it had become clear that the parapet on the second bridge dangerously protrudes onto the carriageway. This has been reported to Clarence. The roadside hedgerow makes it difficult to see oncoming traffic and adds to the danger. Action: The Chairman proposed that the hedge should be cut back in the autumn.
c) A338 Road Resurfacing: The Chairman made a direct request to Wilts County Cllr Julian Johnson that he lobbies for improvements to the road surface and junction layouts along the A338 dual carriageway. Parishioners have indicated that they want WCC to consider using material to lessen traffic noise. 

33/06 Planning:
b) Procedures: There was a debate about how the PC could deal more quickly with planning applications. It was agreed that the Clerk would notify all PC members by email as soon as he was aware that an application had been published by SDC. An extraordinary PC meeting would be called, giving the statutory three clear days notice, only if the application proved to be contentious. In all other situations, the Clerk would be delegated to respond on behalf of the Parish Council. 

34/06 Reports and Correspondence:
a) SDC: 1. The Planning Department had improved efficiency. They are grateful to the Parish Councils for helping achieve 10th place in the Country overall. 2. Parish Liaison meeting in City Hall on 31st May. 3. Last year of the current administration. District and Parish Elections in May 2007.
b) Cranbourne Chase & WWD AONB: The Forum at Dinton on 29th March had been well attended. 

35/06The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 13th September. 

The meeting closed at 8:46pm 

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 13th September 2006.
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