Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council will be held on 13th September 2006 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Brian Clake, Colin Berry, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Salisbury District Cllr Bryan Rycroft, WC Cllr Julian Johnson and six members of the public.
Apologies: Sherwood Elcock, Sue Martin and Simon Martin.

36/06 Open Public Forum: A presentation from the Radnor Hall Committee explained proposals for extending the hall to incorporate disabled toilets and additional storage facilities at a cost of £43,000. It is hoped that funding would be forthcoming from the lottery and/or the Landfill Tax Credits scheme. To qualify for the latter, a third party sponsor would be required to pledge £1,350 to facilitate a successful application. The PC will consider what can be done to support this project at the next PC meeting.

37/06 Declaration of Interest: None.

38/06 Minutes of the annual PC meeting held on 17th May were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 

39/06 Matters Arising:
a) Storage Shed, Pavilion & extra Works: Cllr Whitley reported that the agreed work had been completed on time and within budget [schedule appended]. The Fête Committee had contributed £2,000 and an Electrical Installation Certificate had been provided. The PC will recover £1,088.42 of VAT paid on materials.
b) Play Area: Weed killer treatment will need to be applied where the safety surface is shallow.
c) Nunton Field: The septic tank has been emptied and the drains jetted. SDC has indicated that the parking area adjacent to the cottage is too large and the planning application has been withdrawn. Installation of a green chain link fence behind the eastern goal has been deferred. 
d) Shepherds Close Carpark: Confirmation of ownership has yet to be resolved. 

40/06 Proposals for Future Improvements: 
a) Litterbin: It was agreed that a litterbin for the Nunton Field should be purchased at a cost of about £100.
b) White Lining Store: Cllr Whitley proposed that a storage bin be purchased at a cost of about £80.
c) Marquee Storage: The Fête Committee had acquired a marquee that will need to be stored in the Nunton Field.
d) Seats and Paving: The Women's Institute want to contribute towards providing additional seating in front of the pavilion. The PC would like to create a paved area where two seats could be installed.
e) Nunton Field access from the Orchard: To be considered at a future meeting.

41/06 Finance:
a) Annual Return 2005/2006: Income and Expenditure accounts for y/e March 2006 were approved.
b) Skips: The provision of four skips during October at a cost of £180 each was approved. 
c) Payments: The following were approved:
Storage Shed - (schedule of 21 cheques is appended) - £12,684.14p
C Whitley - Nunton Field Expenses ------------- 214 ----- £25.00p
Drain Services Ltd - Nunton Field Drains -- 215+216 ----£193.88p
Southern Electric plc - Nunton Field ------------- DD ----- £16.93p
Wessex Water Services Ltd - Nunton Field ----- DD ----- £19.52p
Society of Local Council Clerks - CAB book --- 232 ----- £48.00p 
Southern Electric plc - Nunton Field ------------- DD ----- £26.59p
Earl of Radnor 1989 Settlement - Rent ---------- 233 ----- £10.50p
Nunton Farm - Rent (Nunton Field) ------------- 234 ---- £400.00p
R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account -------------- 235 ---- £425.00p

42/06 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) WCC Parish Steward: Monthly visits will ensure that maintenance with hand tools is applied to minor defects.
b) Road Safety: Cllr Clake is liaising with Odstock School to petition for traffic calming measures.
c) Nunton Drove: It had been reported that farm tractors had been causing damage to the roadside verges. It was agreed that the PC should write a letter asking that tractor drivers take greater care when access is restricted.

43/06 Planning: There were no new applications to consider.

44/06 The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 6th December. 

The meeting closed at 9:25pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 6th December 2006.
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