Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 6th December 2006 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Sherwood Elcock, Simon Martin, Colin Berry, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Salisbury District Cllr Bryan Rycroft, and three members of the public.
Apologies: Brian Clake, Sue Martin and WC Cllr Julian Johnson.

45/06 Open Public Forum: The Radnor Hall Committee reported that a survey had been carried out to gain support for a grant application. Over 100 questionnaires had been returned illustrating the high level of local support for the proposed hall extension. PC members were impressed with the presentation and a letter of support will be drafted.

46/06 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Martin declared a personal interest in matters relating to the Nunton field.

47/06 Minutes of the PC meeting held on 13th September were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 

48/06 Matters Arising: Shepherds Close Carpark: SDC Legal Services have agreed to conduct a search of HM Land Registry to establish property boundaries. In the past, SDC has accepted responsibility for maintenance. 

49/06 Future Improvements in the Nunton Field: 
a) Litterbin: It was agreed that a second litterbin should be purchased and sited near the Pavilion.
b) Seats and Paving: The proposed patio area with seating in front of the pavilion was further discussed. It was agreed that Cllr Whitley would obtain quotations.
c) Football Fees: Following a debate it was agreed that the cost of using the Football pitch for 2007-08 should be increased to £25 per match. A formal agreement between the Football Clubs and the PC will be produced that will set out the terms under which future use of the Football pitch will be permitted.
d) Grass Cutting: It was agreed that Cllr Clake would obtain quotations for cutting the grass during 2007.
e) Play Area: It was agreed that weed growth under the safety surface would need to be eliminated before Spring. 

50/06 Finance:
a) Annual Return 2005/6: In approving the AR, the External Auditor had noted the change in accounting method.
b) Grants: Similar amounts to last year were agreed for the PCC, the Radnor Hall Committee and News & Notes.
c) Clerk's Fee: The budgeted amount of £1,455 plus office and travel expenses was agreed for 2006/07. 
d) Budget: Following a debate it was agreed to issue a precept on SDC for £10,000.
e) Receipts: The Women's Institute and the Fete Committee had donated £400 and £500 respectively. 
f) Payments: The following were approved:
               Parrs Ltd – Litterbin --------------------------- 236 - £118.89p
               R V Maidment Ltd – Skip hire ----------------- 237 - £846.00p
               Mazars – Audit Fee for 2005/06 --------------- 238 - £141.00p
               Southern Electric plc – Nunton Field ----------- DD -- £28.02p
               PCC – Grass Cutting Grant -------------------- 239 - £500.00p
               Radnor Hall – Grant --------------------------- 240 - £500.00p
               Radnor Hall – Hire for meetings ---------------- 241 -- £75.00p
               News and Notes – Expenses Grant ------------- 242 -- £40.00p
               R Poynting – Chairman’s Expenses ------------- 243 -- £24.00p
               Society of Local Council Clerks – Subscription - 244 -- £55.00p
               R Parsons – Clerk's fee on account ------------- 246 - £440.00p

51/06 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) WCC Parish Steward: Monthly visits are proceeding as planned.
b) Nunton Drove: A letter had been received from the Longford Estate Office advising that the PC's letter asking that tractor drivers take greater care when access is restricted had been passed to the relevant farm managers.
c) Parking at SD Hospital: Salisbury District Cllr Rycroft reported that a dialogue between SDC and SD Hospital had recently take place regarding parking arrangements. Whilst there is an un-surfaced track leading to the Britford Park & Ride, this is not thought to be a practical solution to the limited parking issue at the Hospital. A 200 parking space extension currently being created is expected to reduce congestion in the short term. 

52/06 Planning: There were no new applications to consider.

53/06 The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting is provisionally scheduled for Wednesday, 17th January 2007. 

The meeting closed at 9:11pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 21st March 2007.
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