Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 19 September 2007 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Colin Berry, Stephen Stapley, David Williamson-Jones, Richard Parsons (Clerk), and one member of the public.
Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Ray Martin, Sherwood Elcock, Salisbury District Cllr Bryan Rycroft and Wiltshire County Cllr Julian Johnson.

28/07 Open Public Forum: 1. The Radnor Hall Committee delivered a detailed report on progress with the applications for grants to fund the extension project. 2. The recent untimely death of Shirley Norris means there is now a vacancy for a Village Hall caretaker. 3. Would the Parish Council be prepared to appoint a representative from within its membership to take an interest in the running of the Radnor Hall Committee? 

29/07 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Williamson-Jones declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest in planning application no: S/2007/1609 and will absent himself from the meeting when this matter is discussed.

30/07 Code of Conduct: It was resolved to adopt the new Model Code of Conduct including paragraph 12(2). 

31/07 Minutes of the Annual PC meeting held on 16 May 2007 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 

32/07 Matters Arising: The paving and seats had been completed prior to the Annual Fête on 14 July.

33/07 Nunton Field Management: 
a) Grass Cutting: The Nunton Field grass had been cut three times during the 9 weeks since the Fête.
b) Wedding on 22 September: A donation of £100 to Parish Council funds had been received.
c) Equipment Storage: The white lining storage facility had been installed complete with a lock. 
d) Pavilion: It was resolved to publicise in News & Notes, the need for some re-usable kitchen units.
e) Signage: Some examples of signage at other play areas were considered and it was resolved that a simple sign on a laminated A4 sheet of card affixed to the play area fencing would suffice. Action: The Clerk.
f) Fête Committee: An additional storage facility is needed to avoid clutter in the Pavilion. It was resolved to explore the possibility of siting a shipping container between the hedge and the new storage shed.
g) Bird Fouling in Play Area: It was agreed that Cllr Berry would arrange for the fitting of Pigeon spikes along the crossbars of the swings in an attempt to keep the seats clean from birds’ deposits.

34/07 Skips: It was resolved to again provide 4 skips during November and publicise this in News & Notes.

35/07 Finance:
a) Precept 2008/09:
A budget was presented that demonstrated no increase would be required for 2008/09. 
b) Payments: The following were approved:
C Whitley – Storage bin ----------------------- 255 --- £101.98p
Nunton Farm – Hedge Cutting ----------------- 256 ---- £63.45p
Nunton Farm – Rent (Nunton Field) ------------ 257 --- £400.00p
KJ Hopkins – Nunton Field Improvements ----- 258 - £2,261.87p
Sodexho Land Technology Ltd – Grass Cutting - 259 --- £118.42p 
Salisbury District Council – Election Expenses --- 260 ---- £25.00p 
Earl of Radnor 1989 Settlement - Rent ---------- 261 ---- £10.50p
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust – Bench ------- 262 --- £250.00p 
Ellis Jones – Legal Fees ------------------------- 263 --- £157.50p
R Poynting – Chairman’s Expenses -------------- 264 ---- £23.90p 
R Parsons – Clerk's fee on account -------------- 265 --- £460.00p
c) Receipts: The following were noted:
Five Bells Football Team – Pitch Fees --- £30.00p 
Wedding on 22 September – Donation - £100.00p 

36/07 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) WCC Parish Steward: Monthly visits continue to achieve effective results.
b) Resurfacing of the A338 at Bodenham: Rescheduled until Q1 2008 at the earliest.
c) Signage on the A338 at Bodenham: Signs could be better sited to avoid pedestrian inconvenience. 

37/07 Planning:
a) S/2007/1624 - Full Application - Remove existing roof and reform with raised ridge incorporating dormer windows to serve loft rooms at Brensham, Nunton Drove, Nunton, SP5 4HZ: No Objections
b) S/2007/1609 - Full Application - Two storey rear extension for living accommodation at Ebble House, Odstock, Salisbury, SP5 4JB: No Objections
c) S/2007/1538 - Full Application - Side and rear extension, insertion of three dormers to north elevation, extension of conservatory, and associated works at Presses Lodge, Nunton, SP5 4HN: No Objections

38/07 Reports and Correspondence:
a) Cranbourne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty:
Invitation to a Seminar at Dinton Village Hall on 2 October regarding Rights of Way Improvement Plans (RoWIPs).
b) Wiltshire Association of Local Councils: The AGM will be held in Devizes on 31 October. 
c) Salisbury District Council: A consultation is underway on the Issues and Options for the Core Strategy of the Local Development Framework which will eventually replace the currently adopted Local Plan.
d) Wiltshire County Council: Budget Planning Consultation meeting in the City Hall on 6 November. The Department of Communities and Local Government has formally approved the bid prepared by WCC for Unitary Government in Wiltshire. The new Unitary Authority is likely to begin in April 2009.

39/07 The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 5 December.

The meeting closed at 9:40pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 5 December 2007.
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