Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 5 December 2007 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Colin Berry, Stephen Stapley, David Williamson-Jones, Ray Martin, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Wiltshire County Cllr Julian Johnson, Salisbury District Cllr Bryan Rycroft from 8:30pm and four members of the public.
Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman).
Sherwood Elcock had asked that the PC accept his resignation as a Parish Councillor. The Returning Officer at Salisbury District Council will be notified of the vacancy.

40/07 Open Public Forum: 1. The Radnor Hall Committee reported further progress with the extension project. 2. The villages' notice boards need to be regularly purged of out-of-date notices. 

41/07 Declaration of Interest: None.

42/07 Minutes of the OPC meeting held on 19 September 2007 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 

43/07 Matters Arising: WCC Julian Johnson agreed to raise the long-standing Shepherds Close issue with the Highways Department of Environmental Services at Wiltshire County Council.

44/07 Nunton Field Management: 
a) Grass Cutting: The grass is being cut as required and is unlikely to need cutting again until the spring.
b) Kitchen Units: There has been another offer of surplus kitchen units to upgrade the Pavilion Kitchen. 
c) Pavilion Doors: It was resolved to set a budget of £400 for the replacement of the front Pavilion Doors.
d) Signage: It was resolved that the proposed signs should indicate the exclusion of dogs from the Children's Play Area and make it clear that dog waste should be removed from the playing field.
e) Fête Committee: It was agreed to approve the siting of a shipping container next to the new storage shed.
f) Bird Fouling in Play Area: It was noted that the fitting of Pigeon spikes had achieved the desired effect. 

45/07 Finance: 
a) Grants to the PCC for grass cutting and to the Radnor Hall for the Lease, were approved.
b) Precept 2008/09: It was agreed to issue a precept of £10,000 for the 2008-09 financial year. 
c) Payments: The following were approved:
Sodexho Land Technology Ltd - Grass Cutting --------- 266 --- £236.83p 
Mazars - Audit Fee for 2006-07 ------------------------ 267 --- £334.88p
R V Maidment Ltd - Skip Hire -------------------------- 268 --- £869.50p 
Radnor Hall - Annual Lease ----------------------------- 269 --- £500.00p
PCC - Grass Cutting ------------------------------------ 270 --- £500.00p
Society of Local Council Clerks - meeting expenses ----- 271 ---- £25.00p
R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account ---------------------- 272 --- £500.00p
Cleansing Services Group Ltd - Grant for Hall Extension - 273 - £1,350.58p 

46/07 Transport, Roads and Footpaths: The WCC Parish Steward continues to visit monthly and the resurfacing of the A338 is expected to commence in March 2008.

47/07 Planning: 
a) S/2007/2234 - Full Application - Change of use of agricultural field and barn to domestic use within the curtilage of presses lodge with extension to barn to provide studio and cloakroom at Presses Lodge, Nunton, SP5 4HN: No Objections
b) S/2007/2224 - Full Application - Replacement garage with larger ground floor area at Hazeldene, Nunton Drove, Nunton, SP5 4HZ: No Objections
c) S/2007/2010 - Full Application - Side and rear extension and detached garage at Maple Cottage, Odstock, SP5 4JA: No Objections
d) S/2007/1902 - Full Application - Garden/boundary walls at Lynford House, Nunton, SP5 4HP: No Objections
e) Future Housing: The Chairman reported that the Longford Estate is considering sites in Nunton and Odstock for future housing development to be included in the Local Development Framework (LDF). It was suggested that parishioners should be surveyed about their opinions on where in the villages housing development could best be accommodated. It was agreed to consider this at a future meeting.
f) SDC Housing Summit: The Chairman and the Clerk had attended this event on 3 December where an exercise had been devised to demonstrate the issues involved with accommodating the 10,000 or 12,000 additional homes that Central Government has indicated will be needed over the next 20 years.

48/07 Reports and Correspondence:
a) Salisbury District Council: Recycling Black Boxes have now been introduced in the villages and it is anticipated that a new regime of waste collection will commence in October 2008.
b) Wiltshire Council: The new Wiltshire Unitary Authority, due to come into being at the beginning of April 2009, will be known as 'The Wiltshire Council'.

49/07 Any Other Business: 
a) Traffic Activated Signs: There was a suggestion that Traffic Activated Speed signs would help to control the speed of vehicles through the villages.
b) Bus Shelter: There was a suggestion that a bus shelter would be desirable opposite to the existing one, north of the Odstock crossroads. 

50/07 The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 16 January 2008. 

The meeting closed at 9:05pm 

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 14 May 2008.
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