Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 14th May 2008 in The Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Stephen Stapley, Ray Martin, Richard Parsons (Clerk), SD Cllr Bryan Rycroft (from 8:30pm), WC Cllr Julian Johnson and five members of the public.

Apologies: Colin Berry and Nigel Start.

12/08 Annual Parish Meeting: 
1. There was a debate about keeping the Pavilion in good order. The window frames will soon need replacing.
2. A parishioner requested that the Parish Council's activities be publicise in News and Notes.
3. There was a suggestion that the Parish Council should maintain a list of local contractors who might be interested in tendering for projects which the PC might decide to initiate in the future.
4. There was a debate about the desirability or otherwise of allowing parking on the field rather than along the edge of Nunton Drove, in particular, by members of the football clubs.

13/08 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Whitley proposed and Cllr Martin seconded, Cllr Poynting as Chairman. The Chairman proposed and Cllr Stapley seconded, Cllr Whitley as Vice-chairman.

14/08 Declaration of Interest: Cllr Whitley declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the two planning applications listed on the meeting agenda and will take no part in the PC's decisions.

15/08 Delegation of Functions: LGA 1972 s101 allows for the functions of a statutory authority to be discharged through a committee, sub-committee, officer or any other local authority. The Chairman proposed and Cllr Stapley seconded that when necessary, statutory functions should be delegated to the Clerk as Proper Officer of Odstock Parish Council. This was agreed unanimously.

16/08 Meeting Dates: Members resolved that ordinary meetings of Odstock Parish Council should take place on the following dates: 10 September, 3 December, 11 February 2009 and the 2009 Annual meeting would be held on 13 May. In accordance with LGA72 sch.12 s.9(1), Extraordinary PC meetings can be called by the Chairman at any time and may be subject to LGA72 sch.12 s.10(2) requiring three clear days notice.

17/08 Minutes of the Ordinary PC meetings held on 5 December 2007 and 6 February 2008 were agreed and signed by the Chairman as were the minutes of the Extraordinary PC meeting held on 2 April. 

18/08 Matters Arising:
a) Nunton Field: There was a considered debate about grass cutting. The contractor has agreed to provide their service on the same terms as in 2007; i.e. £100.78p each time they are asked to cut the grass. 
b) Shepherds Close: Ref: 5/08 - The WCC Rights of Way team have yet to report on the road's legal status. 
c) Fencing behind the Goalpost: Cllr Whitley reported that he was in the process of obtaining revised quotations for the fencing, approved under planning application no. S/2006/0079 on 2 February 2006.
d) Pavilion Maintenance: Following a discussion, it was resolved to budget £1,000 per year to pay for essential pavilion maintenance. This will be in addition to the Fête Committee's donation of £500.
e) Keys for the Field Gates: The Chairman undertook to obtain extra keys for the various keyholders. 

19/08 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) WCC Parish Steward: The Parish Coordinator had nothing adverse to report.
b) Resurfacing of the A338 at Bodenham: Ref: 9/08b - Inconvenience to parishioners is being tolerated. 

20/08 Planning:
a) Draft Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Plan and the LDF preferred options: Following a lengthy debate, it was resolved not to take a proactive stance on the search for suitable land for development within the parish. It was noted that for developments of 14 dwellings or less, there was no requirement to include any 'low cost' housing. District Cllr Rycroft advised that the Forward planning department would be issuing a second consultation document later in the year. The Chairman had written to the Longford Estate thanking them for their representation at OPC's Extraordinary meeting on 2 April. 
b) S/2008/765 - Temporary variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission ref. S/1999/0619 and S/2008/791 - New boundary wall. Both applications apply to Lynford House, Nunton. Following a lengthy debate, it was resolved not to make a comment on either application because members did not believe that they were sufficiently qualified to interpret the relevant planning legislation. 

21/08 Reports and Correspondence:
a) Southern Area Meeting: The Chairman agreed to represent OPC on 5 June in Salisbury City Hall. 
b) Police Consultative Committee Meeting: Members noted the report of the 5 February meeting. 
c) Letter about the Nunton Play Area: The Chairman reported that he had received a letter congratulating the PC for the provision of a Play Area. It was agreed that a reply should be drafted thanking the letter writer for taking the trouble to write.

22/08 Finance:
a) Community First: Members resolved to accept the invitation to renew the PC's Zurich Municipal insurance policy for 2008/09 at a premium of £356.01p.
b) Wiltshire Association of Local Councils: A subscription of £166.81p was approved for 2008/09.
c) Chairman's Allowance: A Chairman allowance of £100 was approved for 2008/09.
d) PC Accounts for y/e March 2008: Members approved the accounts as presented.
e) Risk Assessment as at April 2008: Noted.
f) Annual Return - Governance Statement: Members answered all questions in the affirmative.
g) Internal Auditor: Members agreed to the re-appointment of OPC's Internal Auditor. 
h) Payments: The following were approved:
                WALC - Annual Subscription ----------------- 279 - £166.81p
                Community First - Insurance Premium --------- 280 - £354.45p
                Radnor Hall - Hire Charges ------------------- 281 -- £90.00p
                Sodexo Land Technology Ltd - Grass Cutting - 282 - £236.83p
                R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account ------------ 283 - £540.00p

23/08 The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 10 September. 

The meeting closed at 9:45pm 

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 10 December 2008.
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