Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 9 December 2009 in The Barker Room, Nunton.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Colin Berry, Stephen Stapley, Richard Parsons (Clerk) and three member of the public.

Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Nigel Start, David Williamson-Jones, Ray Martin and Wiltshire Cllr Julian Johnson.

38/09 Open Public Forum: Two members of the public were interested in hearing how OPC will respond to the planning application for a 'change of use' at the Bodenham Post Office. They did not have strong views either way.

39/09 Declaration of Interest: None.

40/09 Minutes of the PC meeting held on 9 September were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 

41/09 Matters Arising:
a) Pavilion Project: Cllr Whitley in the process of preparing plans and obtaining quotations.

42/09 Nunton Field:
a) Grass Cutting: The Clerk reported that both the Nunton Field and the Odstock Playing Field had been cut eleven times during the season. 
b) Play Area Maintenance: To be carried forward to the next OPC meeting.

43/09 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee: It was reported that the redecorations have been completed and that the number of regular hall bookings is increasing.
b) Nunton Church PCC: A request was made that OPC write a letter in support of the PCC's grant applications. This had been discussed in the open public forum of the 9 September OPC meeting. Support was unanimous.
c) Annual Grants to the Radnor Hall and the PCCs: There was unanimous agreement that OPC maintain the established practice of awarding these grants.
d) Rectory Garden Wall: As the result of a car accident about 10 years ago, damage was sustained which needs to be repaired. This area of land, on which a copper beech tree stands, is leased and maintained by Odstock PC. It was agreed that quotations for repairs would be obtained.
e) Community Engagement: News and Notes is the primary method of communication throughout the Villages. As well as the Website at www.NewsandNotes.co.uk, about 450 paper copies are produced and distributed each month and it is understood that this is fully funded by advertising. 

44/09 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) WCC Parish Steward Report: Nothing significant to report. Incidental maintenance attended to, as required.
b) Footpath at Jubilee Gardens: In the absence of any new information, it was decided to carry this item forward to a future OPC meeting.
c) The A338 at Bodenham: The Wiltshire Highways engineer has yet to respond to this issue
d) Parking on the Odstock Road: A resolution to the parking problems outside of the Hospital entrance at the top of the hill is awaited. 

45/09 Planning:
a) S/2009/1609:
Full Planning - Retrospective garden wall amendments (previous application S/07/1902). Members resolved not to comment on this application.
b) S/2009/1662: Full Planning - Change of use of part of the ground floor from a1 (post office/shop) use to c3 (residential) in order to reinstate the property as a single residential dwelling. No Objection.

46/09 Reports and Correspondence:
a) First Responders:
A number of grant applications have recently been made to the Wilshire Area Boards in respect of Public Access Defibrillator equipment for 'First Responder' teams within communities. Being in close proximity to both Salisbury District Hospital and New Hall Hospital, it was considered to be less necessary for Odstock Parish to be so equipped.
b) New Forest Core Strategy: The Chairman had received a copy of this document which he did not believe to be of particular relevance to Odstock Parish.
c) Odstock and Britford Primary Schools: Wiltshire Council is in the process of advertising the amalgamation of the Odstock Primary School with the Britford Primary School under one headteacher.
d) Speed Limit Review: At the request of the Department of Transport, Local Highway Authorities have been requested to undertake a review of existing speed limits on A and B roads. Comments on the recommendations can be made to County Hall before 5 February. A report will be prepared from the comments received.
e) Environment Agency: The Wessex Autumn Flood Warden Newsletter offers help and advice in the setting up of a Community Flood Plan.
f) South Wiltshire Area Board: The next meeting will be held at Whiteparish on 17 December and the Clerk offered to attend on behalf of OPC. 

47/09 Finance:
a) OPC Precept for 2010-2011:
Following a discussion about the prepared budget, it was unanimously resolved to precept for £9,000.
b) Appointment of OPC's Internal Auditor for 2009-2010: The Parishioner who has undertaken this role in previous years has again offered his services to Odstock PC. Members agreed to accept the offer.
c) Grass Cutting for 2010-2011: Quotations will be requested for consideration at the PC meeting in February. 
d) Payments: The following were approved:
    Lloyds TSB plc - Unauthorised overdraft fee --- DD --- £1.34p
    Mazars - Audit Fee 2008-2009 --------------- 313 - £155.25p
    R Parsons - Clerk's fee on account ------------ 314 - £580.00p
    Sodexo Land Technology Ltd - Grass Cutting - 315 - £238.74p
    HAC Joynt - Nunton Maintenance ------------ 316 - £100.00p
    PCC - Grass Cutting Grant -------------------- 317 - £500.00p
    Radnor Hall - Annual Lease ------------------- 318 - £750.00p

48/09 Any Other Business (for information only): 
a) Cllr Berry drew to the eroding riverbanks at Jubilee Gardens.
b) The Chairman drew attention to the OPC owned bus shelters. An assessment of their state of repair will be conducted and reported to a future OPC meeting. 

49/09 The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 10 February 2010. 

The meeting closed at 8:54pm 

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 10 February 2010.
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