Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 12 May 2010 in The Barker Room at Nunton.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Nigel Start, David Williamson-Jones, Ray Martin, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Wiltshire Cllr Julian Johnson and five members of the public.
Apologies: Cliff Whitley (Vice-Chairman), Colin Berry and Stephen Stapley.

13/10 Annual Parish Meeting: 
1. The minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on 13 May 2009, ref: OPC min no.12/09, were approved.
2. The OPC Chairman reported that the Pavilion project was nearly complete.
3. The Parish Clerk reported a 'carry forward' of £21,741.38 after expenditure of £7,896.81 and income of £12,255.75 which included a £3,000 Community Grant and a £245 skip grant, both from Wiltshire Council.
4. There being no other matters for discussion, the Chairman closed the 2010 Annual Parish Meeting at 7:15pm. 

14/10 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Williamson-Jones proposed and Cllr Start seconded, Cllr Poynting as Chairman. The Chairman proposed and Cllr Williamson-Jones seconded, Cllr Martin as Vice-chairman.

15/10 Declaration of Interest: None.

16/10 Open Public Forum: A Parish Elector wanted to know when an OPC member vacancy was likely to arise now that Cllr Whitley had moved away from Nunton. The Chairman explained that he had asked Cllr Whitley to remain an OPC member, at least until the projects in which he is involved are complete. Parish Council elections, which would have normally been held in 2011, will now be held in 2013, alongside the Wiltshire Council Elections.

17/10 Delegation of Functions: LGA 1972 s101 allows for the functions of a statutory authority to be discharged through a committee, sub-committee, officer or any other local authority. It was unanimously agree that when necessary, statutory functions would be delegated to the Parish Clerk as Proper Officer of Odstock Parish Council. 

18/10 Meeting Dates: a) It was unanimously agreed to hold future scheduled PC meetings in the Barker Room.
b) Members resolved that ordinary meetings of Odstock Parish Council will take place on the following dates: 8 September, 8 December, 9 February 2011 and the 2011 Annual meetings will be held on 11 May. In accordance with LGA72 sch.12 s.9(1), Extraordinary PC meetings can be called by the Chairman at any time and may be subject to LGA72 sch.12 s.10(2) requiring three clear days notice. Meeting cancellations will be similarly advised.

19/10 Minutes of the Ordinary PC meeting held on 10 February were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 

20/10 Matters Arising:
a) Pavilion Project:
The Chairman reported that work on the Pavilion project is nearly complete. He has contacted the Wiltshire Probation Trust who operates the 'Community Payback' scheme about having the Pavilion redecorated. To be able to use this service, the Pavilion will require an Asbestos certificate.
b) Play Area Maintenance: The safety surface has been re-laid and the play equipment spares fitted. 

21/10 Nunton and Odstock Playing Fields:
a) Grass Cutting:
The grass at both playing fields is now being cut regularly to a high standard. 
b) Mole Infestation: There is currently no evidence of mole activity at either Playing Field.

22/10 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
There were no volunteers to represent Odstock PC on the Radnor Hall Committee.
b) Odstock Telephone Kiosk: As agreed previously, Odstock PC has accepted the British Telecom offer to adopt the King George V Jubilee Telephone Kiosk at Odstock for £1. No further information is available at this time. 
c) Refuse Compaction Vehicle Service: This is an alternative to the skip service, which has proved difficult to manage in previous years. It was agreed to publicise the availability of this service in News and Notes.
d) Repairing the Bench in Jubilee Gardens: The Chairman has undertaken the task of preparing new wooden slats to fit the seat's concrete ends at an estimated cost of £50-£75. This was unanimously agreed. 

23/10 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) WCC Parish Steward Report:
Potholes have been repaired and grips and gullies cleared.
b) Fence at Shepherds Close: The Chairman drew attention to the dilapidated state of the fencing at the entrance to the Odstock playing field. Odstock PC will establish who is liable for the maintenance of this fence. 
c) Change of Priorities on Odstock Road: Wiltshire Council is in the process of completed these alterations.
d) Footpath at Jubilee Gardens: There is a Horse Chestnut tree which blocks the footpath and the Chairman agreed to raise this issue with Wiltshire Highways. If the tree were to be removed, the pavement could be extended into the lay-by opposite Odstock Church. This obstruction currently makes the footpath unsafe.

24/10 Planning: There were no planning applications to consider.

25/10 Reports and Correspondence:
a) Parish Liaison Meeting:
The Clerk agreed to attend the meeting in Salisbury City Hall on Friday, 14 May.
b) South Wiltshire Area Board: The next local monthly meeting is at Coombe Bissett Village Hall on 17 June.

26/10 Finance:
a) Risk Assessment:
Odstock Parish Council's Risk Assessment statement is current and adequate.
b) Bank Accounts: It was agreed to continue maintaining Odstock PC's Bank Accounts with Lloyds TSB plc.
c) Staff Costs for 2009-2010: The Parish Clerk's fee of £32.62p per week was in line with expectations.
d) Accounts for 2009-2010: OPC's Internal Auditor had verified Odstock PC's accounts as presented.
e) Annual Return for 2009-2010: Members answered all of the Governance questions in the affirmative.
f) Chairman's Allowance for 2010-2011: Up to £100 will be made available to the Chairman.
g) PCC Grass Cutting for 2010-2011: The amount of the OPC grant has yet to be determined.
h) Zurich Municipal Insurance Premium for 2010-2011: The invitation to renew for £409.42p was approved.
i) WALC Membership for 2010-2011: Subscription renewal of £170.92p was approved.
j) Pavilion Project: The following Extra Works were approved (Ref: Min.No.18/09(c)):
                             Supply and Fit two pairs of doors ---- £740.00
                             Supply and Fit two timber beams ------ £62.00
                             Remove and Replace ceiling ---------- £160.00
                             Remove and Fit new Electrics cabinet - £144.00
                             Fitting of splash backs ---------------- £165.00
k) Payments: The following were approved:
                             Howden Joinery Ltd - Kitchen Units -------------- 321 - £1,465.15p
                             Wilson Plumbing Supplies Ltd - Sanitaryware ----- 324 --- £647.77p
                             R Parsons - Clerk's fee and expenses, on account - 325 --- £780.00p
                             Groundshield Ltd - Safety Surface ----------------- 326 - £1,916.42p
                             RJ Electrical Services Ltd - Electric Installation ----- 327 - £1,969.30p
                             A Paton - Contractor's Invoice --------------------- 328 - £1,450.00p
                             MA Phillips - Contractor's Invoice ----------------- 329 - £2,888.00p
                             WALC - Annual Subscription ---------------------- 330 --- £170.92p
                             Community First - Insurance Premium -------------- 331 --- £409.42p 
                             Bawden Contracting Services Ltd - Grass Cutting -- 332 --- £392.46p 

27/10 Any Other Business (for information only): 
a) Cllr Williamson-Jones drew attention to some overgrown hedgerows which are encroaching onto the carriageway at the entrance to Odstock village. Hedgerows are the responsibility of the adjacent landowner and are required to be cutback half-a-meter to a height of 10 meters wherever there is a risk that new growth will encroach onto the highway. Cllr Williamson-Jones offered to inform the relevant landowner of their obligation.
b) The Chairman drew attention to the fact that the Pavilion will require an asbestos certification survey. One of the contractors who submitted a tender for the Pavilion project had alluded to this requirement as had the Probation Service when asked to quote for the redecoration of the inside of the Pavilion.
c) The Chairman agreed to meet with a local Painter & Decorator at the Pavilion to discuss its redecoration. 

28/10 The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled to be held at 7:30pm on Wednesday, 8 September 2010 in the Barker Room at Nunton. 

The meeting closed at 8:45pm 

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 8 September 2010.
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