Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 11 May 2011 in The Barker Room, Nunton.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Ray Martin (Vice-Chairman), Nigel Start, Stephen Stapley,  Richard Parsons (Clerk) and twelve members of the public.
Colin Berry and David Williamson-Jones.

20/11 Annual Parish Meeting: 
1. The minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on 12 May 2010, ref: OPC min no.13/10, were approved.
2. The OPC Chairman reported that completing the Pavilion project was the main achievement of the 2010.
3. The Parish Clerk reported a balance of £12,930.42 after expenditure of £17,838.42 and income of £9,058.70.
    Issues raised by Parishioners included:
1. Salt Boxes at Shepherds Close: 
2. Parking on Odstock Hill by the Hospital: 
3. Damage to the river banks at Jubilee Gardens: 
4. Village road signs: 
5. Proposed Play Area at Odstock: 
6. Drain at Stoney Close: 
7. Jacobs corner: 
8. Speeding through the Villages: 
9. Refurbishment of the Village notice boards: 
10. Parish Council policy for publishing draft minutes of meetings: 

21(a)/11 Co-option of an Eligible Person to the Office of Parish Councillor: There was one candidate, Gavin Simmonite of Yew Tree Cottage, Odstock, who received unanimous Councillor approval. Cllr Simmonite signed a declaration of acceptance of office and will provide a register of members' interests within 28 days, as required by the Local Elections (Declaration of Acceptance of Office) Order 2001.

21(b)/11 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Martin proposed and Cllr Start seconded, Cllr Poynting as Chairman. The Chairman proposed and Cllr Stapley seconded, Cllr Martin as Vice-chairman.

22/11 Declaration of Interest: None.

23/11 Delegation of Functions: LGA 1972 s101 allows for the functions of a statutory authority to be discharged through a committee, sub-committee, officer or any other local authority. It was unanimously agree that when necessary, statutory functions would be delegated to the Parish Clerk as Proper Officer of Odstock Parish Council. 

24/11 Meeting Dates: a) It was unanimously agreed to hold future scheduled PC meetings in the Barker Room.
b) Members resolved that ordinary meetings of Odstock Parish Council will take place on the following dates: 7 September, 7 December, 8 February 2012 and the 2012 Annual meetings will be held on 9 May. In accordance with LGA72 sch.12 s.9(1), Extraordinary PC meetings can be called by the Chairman at any time and may be subject to LGA72 sch.12 s.10(2) requiring three clear days notice. Meeting cancellations will be similarly advised.

25/11 Minutes of the Extraordinary PC meeting held on 20 March were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 

26/11 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Grass Cutting:
The Contractor has agreed to continue the service for the same cost and has also agreed to control weed growth is the play area. 
b) Pavilion: In order to prepare for a request from parishioners to use the Pavilion for functions, OPC's insurance policy will need to provide hirer's liability cover. Action: The Clerk will obtain a quotation.

27/11 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
The Chairman agreed to represent Odstock PC on the Radnor Hall Committee.
b) Repairing the Bench in Jubilee Gardens: The Chairman anticipates this will be completed soon. 
c) Royal Wedding Parties: It was reported that both the children's and adult's parties were very successful.
d) Odstock Recreation Field: OPC will consider the feasibility of installing a Play Area at a future OPC meeting.
e) River Banks at Jubilee Gardens: It was agreed that responsibility for maintenance will need to be established before any proposals for repair can be considered. Action: The Clerk will contact the Longford Estate Office.

28/11 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) WCC Parish Steward Report:
52 Potholes have been repaired, 55 grips and gullies cleared and 1 signpost repaired.
b) Salt/Grit Bin at Shepherds Close - Ref: OPC min no.10/11(d): OPC will ensure that a suitable bin will be available before Autumn 2011.
c) Footpath at Jubilee Gardens: The Clerk reported that he had recommended the proposed footpath extension to the Community Area Transport Group to be considered as a candidate for funding. This will be evaluated at the GATG meeting on 17 May.

29/11 Planning: There were no planning applications to consider.

30/11 Reports and Correspondence:
a) CA Transport Group:
The Clerk agreed to attend the meeting in Wyvern School Laverstock on 17 May.
b) Parish Liaison Meeting: The Clerk agreed to attend the meeting in Wyvern School Laverstock on 13 July.
c) South Wiltshire Area Board: The next local monthly meeting is at Coombe Bissett Village Hall on 23 June.

31/11 Finance:
a) Risk Assessment:
Odstock Parish Council's Risk Assessment statement is current and adequate.
b) Bank Accounts: It was agreed to continue maintaining Odstock PC's Bank Accounts with Lloyds TSB plc.
c) Staff Costs for 2010-2011: The Parish Clerk's fee of £38.00p per week was in line with expectations.
d) Accounts for 2010-2011: OPC's Internal Auditor had verified Odstock PC's accounts as presented.
e) Annual Return for 2010-2011: Members answered all of the Governance questions in the affirmative.
f) Chairman's Allowance for 2011-2012: Up to £100 will be made available to the Chairman.
g) PCC Grass Cutting for 2011-2012: The amount of the OPC grant has yet to be determined.
h) Zurich Municipal Insurance Premium for 2011-2012: The invitation to renew for £361.88p was approved.
i) WALC Membership for 2011-2012: Subscription renewal of £178.36p was approved.
j) Payments: The following were approved:
         WALC - Annual Subscription --------------------- 356 - £178.36p
         Community First - Insurance Premium ------------- 357 - £361.88p 
         Bawden Contracting Services Ltd - Grass Cutting - 358 - £384.60p 
         R Parsons - Clerk's fee and expenses, on account - 359 - £780.00p
         HMRC - PAYE ---------------------------------- 360 --- £44.00p 
         Southern Electric - Nunton Field Electric Supply --- DD --- £25.59p

32/11 Any Other Business (for information only): None.

33/11 The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled to be held at 7:30pm on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 in the Barker Room at Nunton. 

The meeting closed at 9:25pm 

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 7 September 2011.
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