Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 10 May 2012 in The Radnor Hall at Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Ray Martin (Vice-Chairman), Colin Berry, Stephen Stapley, Nigel Start, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Wiltshire Cllr Julian Johnson and three members of the public.
Apologies: David Williamson-Jones and Gavin Simmonite.

11/12 Annual Parish Meeting: 
1. The minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on 11 May 2011, ref: OPC min no.20/11, were approved.
2. The OPC Chairman reported that the Jubilee Gardens footpath had been one of the main achievements of 2011.
3. The Parish Clerk reported a balance of £10,943 after expenditure of £11,245.71p and income of £9,258.29p.
            Issues raised by Parishioners included:
1. Broadband Availability: 
2. Lighting outside the Radnor Hall: 
3. State of the Pavements on the A338 to Britford: 
4. The roadside Nunton Churchyard wall which is in urgent need of repair at an estimated cost of £5,000.

12/12 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Martin proposed and Cllr Berry seconded, Cllr Poynting as Chairman. The Chairman proposed and Cllr Stapley seconded, Cllr Martin as Vice-chairman.

13/12 Declaration of Interest: None.

14/12 Delegation of Functions: LGA 1972 s101 allows for the functions of a statutory authority to be discharged through a committee, sub-committee, officer or any other local authority. It was unanimously agree that when necessary, statutory functions would be delegated to the Parish Clerk as Proper Officer of Odstock Parish Council. 

15/12 Meeting Dates: a) It was unanimously agreed to hold future scheduled PC meetings in the Radnor Hall.
b) Members resolved that ordinary meetings of Odstock Parish Council will take place on the following dates: 6 September, 6 December, 7 February 2013 and the 2013 Annual meetings will be held on 9 May. In accordance with LGA72 sch.12 s.9(1), Extraordinary PC meetings can be called by the Chairman at any time and may be subject to LGA72 sch.12 s.10(2) requiring three clear days notice. Meeting cancellations will be similarly advised.

16/12 Minutes of the Ordinary PC meeting held on 9 February were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 

17/12 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Grass Cutting:
The Contractor will charge £196.15p plus VAT each month for the year to March 2013 and this will include weed control in the play area. 
b) Play Area Safety: Whilst the Clerk and Councillors regularly inspect the play area, the PC's Insurers recommend an occasional inspection by a professionally qualified person. Action: The Clerk will obtain a quotation.

18/12 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
A kitchen refurbishment project and new Hall lights are in progress to make the venue more attractive to hirers.
b) Nunton PCC: It was agreed to increase by £100, the previously agreed grant of £400 towards the cost of repairing the Churchyard wall. OPC will now contribute £500 to this necessary project.
c) Diamond Jubilee Grant Award: One application had been received from the ONB Fete Committee.
d) Odstock Recreation Field: Cllr Simmonite has made progress on the feasibility of installing a Play Area at the western end of the field and it may be necessary to seek planning approval for this site.
e) Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908, s23(2): To progress an initiative for the provision of Allotments in the parish, there is a requirement for the PC to be in receipt of written requests from six or more electors. 
f) River Banks at Jubilee Gardens: The Chairman reported that the Longford Estate Trustees had pledged £500 towards the PCs initiative to carry out repairs and enhancements to the eroded riverbank at Jubilee Gardens. A quotation had been received from a local contractor, with experience of dealing with the Environment Agency, in connection with riverbank maintenance. The recommended option seeks to make best use of 'on site' materials and will cost £3,190 plus VAT. Land Drainage Consent will need to be obtained from the Environment Agency and the cost of the drawings, method statements and the application will be £450 plus VAT. Action: The Clerk will research possible sources of grant funding.

19/12 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) Parish Maintenance Issues:
A number of blocked drains and culverts were reported and OPC's Highways Coordinator agreed to report the same to the Wiltshire Highways Steward as soon as possible.
b) Metro Count Speed Survey: The report from the traffic monitoring in Nunton at the end of February indicates that the parish is eligible for a Community Speed Watch initiative. 85% of vehicles were detected travelling at 37.4 mph. To be eligible for a Speed Indicator Device (SID) programme, the 85th percentile would need to be over 38.9 mph. Another count request in the vicinity will not be accepted for at least the next 12 months.
c) Avon Valley Footpath: Further to OPC's agreement, Ref: OPC min no.39/11(d) and Ref: OPC min no.50/11(c), Cllr Berry and the Wiltshire Council Rights of Way Officer are making good progress with the proposed improvements to stiles and kissing gates.

20/12 Planning: There were no planning applications to consider.

21/12 Reports and Correspondence:
a) South Wiltshire Area Board:
Morgans Vale & Woodfalls Village Hall on 5 April, attended by the Clerk.
b) South Wiltshire Area Board: The next local meeting is at Coombe Bissett Village Hall on 7 June.

22/12 Finance:
a) Risk Assessment:
Odstock Parish Council's Risk Assessment statement is current and adequate.
b) Bank Accounts: It was agreed to continue maintaining Odstock PC's Bank Accounts with Lloyds TSB plc.
c) Staff Costs for 2011-2012: The Parish Clerk's salary/fee of £50 per week was in line with expectations.
d) Accounts for 2011-2012: OPC's Internal Auditor had verified Odstock PC's accounts as presented.
e) Annual Return for 2011-2012: Members answered all of the Governance questions in the affirmative.
f) Chairman's Allowance for 2012-2013: Up to £100 will be made available to the Chairman.
g) PCC Grass Cutting for 2012-2013: The amount of the OPC grant has yet to be determined.
h) Radnor Hall Annual Grant 2012-2013: It was agreed to contribute £750 towards the cost of the Lease.
i) Zurich Municipal Insurance Premium for 2012-2013: The invitation to renew for £465.47p was approved.
j) WALC Membership for 2012-2013: Subscription renewal of £184.56p was approved.
k) Payments: The following were approved:
                    HMRC - PAYE -------------------------------------- 386 - £132.00p 
                    Radnor Hall - Hire of Hall for OPC meeting ----------- 387 -- £15.00p
                    R Parsons - Clerk's salary and expenses, on account -- 388 - £780.00p
                    ONB Fete Committee - S137 Diamond Jubilee grant - 389 - £250.00p
                    Community First - Insurance Premium ---------------- 390 - £465.47p 
                    WALC - Annual Subscription ------------------------ 391 - £184.56p
                    Bawden Contracting Services Ltd - Grass Cutting ---- 392 - £392.30p 
                    t signs Ltd - Sign for the Odstock Recreation Field --- 393 -- £78.00p
                    Southern Electric - Nunton Field Electric Supply ----- DD -- £30.43p

23/12 Any Other Business (for information only): 
a) Odstock Phone Box:
No progress is apparent.
b) Sinking Footpath at Jubilee Gardens: This is a highways matter.

24/12 The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled to be held at 7:30pm on Thursday, 6 September 2012 in the Radnor Hall at Bodenham. 

The meeting closed at 9:25pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 6 September 2012.
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