Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 9 May 2013 in the Barker Room, Nunton.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Colin Berry, Stephen Stapley, Nigel Start, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Wiltshire Cllr Julian Johnson and four members of the public. 
Apologies: Ray Martin (Vice-Chairman), David Williamson-Jones and Gavin Simmonite.

12/13 Annual Parish Meeting: a) The Chairman delivered his report on OPC's activities during the year:

1. Eight Kissing Gates had been installed along the parish's footpath network
2. A grant had been secured from Hill's Waste Management to carry out repairs and improvements to the riverbank at Jubilee Gardens. This project is due to start during May 2013.
3. The Odstock Play Area project has been delayed because funding has not been forthcoming. 
4. OPC continues to provide financial support to the Odstock, Nunton and Bodenham Parochial Church Council as a grant towards the cost of grass cutting and to the Radnor Hall Committee as a grant towards the cost of the annual lease.

b) NPT Community Beat Manager PC Matt Holland and NPT Sergeant David Lennane were both in attendance: Matt Holland stressed how helpful it is when local people are able to report the presence of unfamiliar vehicles in the parish. Vigilance is the best protection against random rural crime and the Neighbourhood Policing Team aim to be in regular contact with Landowners and Gamekeepers. The owners of outbuildings and land vulnerable to fly-tipping need to be particularly observant and report unusual activity on either 999 or the non-emergency 101 number.
c) The minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on 10 May 2012, ref: OPC min no.11/12, were confirmed.
d) The OPC accounts for y/e March 2013 revealed expenditure of £10,190.57p and income of £9291.89p. The balance to be carried forward is £10,629.67p.

13/13 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Start proposed and Cllr Berry seconded, Cllr Poynting as Chairman. The Chairman proposed and Cllr Berry seconded, Cllr Stapley as Vice-chairman. Declarations of acceptance of office were signed by all present.

14/13 Co-option of Eligible Persons to the Office of Parish Councillor: Both David Williamson-Jones and Ray Martin had agreed to continue as Councillors and this was unanimously approved. Declaration of acceptance of office will be signed in due course.

15/13 Declaration of Interest: None.

16/13 Minutes of the Ordinary PC meetings held on 6 December and 7 February were approved without amendment and signed as a correct record by the Chairman. 

17/13 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Emergency Services Training:
Following the request from a training company wanting to demonstrate their aerial surveillance equipment, it was agreed that the company could use the recreation field on a trial basis in return for a donation to PC funds. Once evaluated, a request for ongoing usage will be considered. 
b) Car Boot Sales: The Chairman reported that there are no plans to increase the frequency of Car Boot Sales.

18/13 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
It was agreed that the Chairman would continue to represent OPC on the Radnor Hall Committee. The Radnor Hall AGM will be held on 4 June and will feature a visit by representatives of Hills Waste Solutions Ltd who helped to finance the kitchen refurbishment project. 
b) Odstock Recreation Field: In Cllr Simmonite's absence, it was reported that his grant applications the Lottery Fund and the Tesco Community Fund had both been unsuccessful. Other sources of funding are being explored. 
c) Jubilee Gardens: The Chairman reported that the project would be commenced on 27 May.

19/13 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) Parish Highways Maintenance:
With effect from 1 June, Wiltshire Council will introduce a new management structure for Highways and Streetscene maintenance. Wiltshire Council's 'Clarence' Service (0800 23 23 23) continues to be the best way for reporting Highways issues. 
b) Community Speed Watch: Proposals for a new Community Speed Watch strategy are awaited.
c) Avon Valley Footpath: Cllr Berry reported that the last kissing gate would soon be installed.

20/13 Planning: There were no new planning applications.

21/13 Reports and Correspondence:
a) South Wiltshire Area Board:
The first meeting since the election will be held on 6 June at Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls Village Hall.
b) Police Neighbourhood Bulletin: No reported crime.

22/13 Finance:
a) Bank Accounts:
It was agreed to continue maintaining Odstock PC's Bank Accounts with Lloyds TSB plc.
b) Staff Costs for 2012-2013: The Parish Clerk's salary of £50 per week was in line with expectations.
c) Accounts for 2012-2013: OPC's Internal Auditor had verified Odstock PC's accounts as presented.
d) Annual Return for 2012-2013: Members answered all of the Governance questions in the affirmative.
e) Chairman's Allowance for 2013-2014: Up to £100 will be made available to the Chairman.
f) Zurich Municipal Insurance Premium for 2012-2013: The invitation to renew for £447.18p was approved.
g) WALC Membership for 2012-2013: Subscription renewal of £194.84p was approved.
h) Payments: The following were approved:
    HMRC - PAYE 418 £132.00p 
    Bawden Contracting Services Ltd - Grass Cutting 419 £396.50p
    R Parsons - Clerk's salary and expenses, on account 420 £780.00p
    WALC - Annual Subscription 481 £194.84p
    Community First - Insurance Premium 482 £447.18p 
    Southern Electric - Nunton Field Electricity DD £21.93p 

23/13 Any Other Business (for information only): Cllr Start suggested that the Odstock Parish would be a good candidate for the opportunity to put all high-voltage wires underground because the land to the south of the C12 road was within the Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB).

24/13 The next scheduled OPC meeting will be held on Thursday, 4 July 2013. 

The meeting closed at 8:51pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 4 July 2013.
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