Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 5 September 2013 in the Barker Room at Nunton.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Stephen Stapley (Vice-Chairman), David Williamson-Jones, Nigel Start, Richard Parsons (Clerk) and one member of the public. 
Apologies: Colin Berry, Gavin Simmonite and Wiltshire Cllr Julian Johnson.

36/13 Open Public Forum: A tree in Shepherds Close, Odstock, is becoming a cause for concern.

37/13 Candidates for Co-option to the Office of Parish Councillor: None.

38/13 Declaration of Interest: None.

39/13 Minutes of the Ordinary OPC meeting held on 4 July were approved and signed by the Chairman. 

40/13 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Emergency Services Training:
The Chairman reported that the training company had not demonstrated their aerial surveillance equipment at the Annual ONB Fête, as agreed and there had been no further contact. 
b) General Conditions of Use: Following a discussion, it was agreed to continue being flexible about usage.
c) Community Orchard: The Chairman reported that little interest had been forthcoming at the present time.
d) Play Area Safety Inspection: It was agreed to set aside about £500 each year as a maintenance budget.

41/13 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
There were no new developments to be reported in relation to the Radnor Hall. 
b) Odstock Recreation Field: In Cllr Simmonite's absence, no new developments were reported. 
c) Jubilee Gardens: It was agreed that RoSPA would inspect the facilities and produce a report.
d) High-Speed Broadband: This is outside of OPC's sphere of influence. Those who register will get priority.
e) Odstock Telephone Kiosk: British Telecom has repainted the redundant phone-box and Cllr Williamson-Jones proposed that it could be fitted out with shelves and used as a book exchange facility. 

42/13 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) Parish Highways and Streetscene Maintenance:
At a meeting on 1 August, Wiltshire Council Highways department explained that they were ready to deal directly with Parish Councils in response to any concerns being reported. The 'Clarence' Service (0800 23 23 23) is still a very effective means of reporting Highways issues whilst direct contact is being encouraged. All Council employees are able to deal with a variety of issues.
b) Community Speed Watch: There are currently insufficient volunteers to establish a viable parish scheme.
c) Community Area Transport Group: OPC do not currently have any schemes for consideration by this group. 
d) Footpaths: The Chairman reported that extra kissing gates continue to be installed, as required.

43/13 Planning: There were no new planning applications.

44/13 Reports and Correspondence: The next Area Board meeting is at Coombe Bissett Village Hall on 3 October.

45/13 Finance:
a) Review of Expenditure and Budget Forecast:
Spending is in line with expectations.
b) Payments: The following were approved:
    Nunton Farm - Annual Rent 486 £400.00p
    Nunton Farm - Hedge Cutting 486 £108.00p
    R Parsons - Clerk's salary and expenses, on account 487 £840.00p
    Earl of Radnor 1989 Settlement - Rent 488 £10.50p
    Bawden Contracting Services Ltd - Grass Cutting 489 £396.50p
    HMRC - PAYE 490 £132.00p 
    Grant Thornton UK LLP - Audit Fee 2012-2013 491 £120.00p
    Playsafety Ltd - RoSPA Safety Reports 492 £156.00p
    t signs Ltd - A Sign for Shepherds Close 493 £36.00p
    Wessex Water - Nunton Field Water Supply DD £22.09p
    Southern Electric - Nunton Field Electricity DD £39.39p

46/13 Any Other Business (for information only): Cllr Start reported that he is consulting with the Cranborne Chase AONB about the SSE scheme to underground power cables in AONB areas.

47/13 The next scheduled OPC meeting will be held on Thursday, 5 December 2013. 

The meeting closed at 8:56pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 5 December 2013.
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