Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 11 December 2014 in the Radnor Hall, Bodenham.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Stephen Stapley (Vice-Chairman), Colin Berry, Nigel Start, Sally Nelson, Gavin Simmonite, Richard Parsons (Clerk) and three members of the public.
Apologies: David Williamson-Jones and Wiltshire Cllr Julian Johnson.

50/14 Open Public Forum: 1. A parishioner was reassured that OPC’s finances are properly budgeted and accounted for.
2. Dates for Car Boot sales were provided as follows: 15 March, 12 April, 10 & 24 May, 14 & 28 June, 26 July, 23 August
and 13 September. The organiser asked whether the grass could be cut before each event.
3. Two parishioners expressed concern about planning application 14/10390/FUL for extending the Nunton Dairy Unit. A
major issue is drainage and the narrowness of access along Nunton Drove. The Chairman advised that those concerned
can make representations to the Wiltshire Council planning department.

51/14 Declaration of Interest: None.

52/14 Minutes of the Ordinary OPC meeting held on 11 September were approved and signed by the Chairman.

53/14 Nunton Recreation Field: Play Safety: The RoSPA safety inspection report indicated that several of the timber uprights are decaying at ground level and whilst considered to be low risk at present, will require replacement soon. In some areas, the loose fill levels are too low to provide adequate protection. A minimum depth of 300 mm is recommended.

54/14 Community Initiatives:
a)Radnor Hall Committee:
Nothing to report.
b)Odstock Recreation Field: Cllr Simmonite reported that he is less certain than two years ago about the value of tree planting around the play equipment to form a wind break. It was agreed to reassess this before next Autumn.
c)Shepherds Close Parking: Cllr Simmonite reported that, in discussion with the estate’s land agent, he had discovered areas of agreement about how car parking might be improved for the residents of Shepherds Close. Cllr Berry restated his opinion that there are several potentially insurmountable issues associated with the legal ownership of various pieces of land which could make a plan unworkable. It was agreed to canvass residents to gauge public opinion.

55/14 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a)Community Area Transport Group:
Cllr Berry reported that Wiltshire Highways is planning to resurface the roads throughout the parish during 2015 and a traffic calming scheme can be incorporated at the same time.
b)Traffic Calming Consultation: There is significant support for the proposals, although, there is some disagreement about the benefit of the mini White Gates which have been used at other local traffic calming locations.
c)Footpath Resurfacing: Cllr Berry reported the Longford Estate will contribute £500 and the work is now complete.
d)Avon Valley Way: Recent improvements are being well-received.

56/14 Planning: 14/10390/FUL Registered on 24-Nov-14: The erection of an extension to an agricultural storage building and the erection of an agricultural building to be used to house livestock at Nunton Dairy Unit, Nunton Drove. SP5 4HZ.... If there is a significant number of responses published on the Wiltshire Council planning website before the end of the consultation period, the Chairman will ask the planning authority to prepare a report for consideration at a future Wiltshire Council Southern Area Board Committee meeting. This will provide local residents with the opportunity of having their concerns heard by those who will decide the outcome of the Planning Application.

There were no other planning applications for consideration.

57/14 Reports and Correspondence:
a)Area Board meetings:
The next meeting is in Morgans Vale & Woodfalls Village Hall on 29 January.
b)Consultations: The Housing Land Availability is an ongoing search for land suitable for development. In Nunton, the site occupied by Farm Buildings has been identified as being suitable for housing. The land agent for the Longford estate has indicated that this land is being considered for future development.

58/14 Finance:
a) Internal Audit:
2014/2015 is year 3 of the current 3 year internal auditor's appointment.
b) OPC's Community Grants: It was resolved to award the usual £500 to ONB PCC for grass cutting at Jubilee Gardens. Members asked for more financial information regarding the ongoing operations of the Radnor Hall Committee before agreeing to the usual £750 contribution towards the cost of the annual Radnor Hall lease.
c)Precept requirement for 2015-2016: Some items in the Nunton Play area will soon need replacing and the safety surface needs replenishing with loose fill. It was resolved to increase the precept by about £1,582 to accommodate some of these extra costs.
Wiltshire Council – CATG Grant £1,234.48p
Lloyds Bank plc – Donation in respect of account irregularities £300.00p
Diabetes UK – Donation in respect of car boot sales £100.00p
Longford Estate – Donation in respect of resurfaced footpath £500.00p
e)Payments: The following were approved:
Playsafety Ltd – RoSPA Safety Report 523 £81.60p
Nunton Farm – Annual Rent 524 £400.00p
Nunton Farm – Hedge Cutting 524 £111.60p
Bawden Contracting Services Ltd – Grass Cutting 525 £403.12p
R Parsons – Clerk's salary and expenses, on account 527 £782.00p
Odstock with N&B PCC – Grass Cutting Grant 528 £500.00p
Woodford Forest & Landscape Ltd – Path Resurfacing 529 £2,901.79p
HAC Joynt – Ground Maintenance 530 £280.00p
Southern Electric – Nunton Field Electricity DD £21.29p

59/14 Any Other Business (for information only):
a)Parish Plan:
Cllr Simmonite believes that the Parish needs to have a Parish Plan and also a Village Design Statement, so that there are specific established guidelines to influence future development. This needs to be initiated by members of the broader community and supported by Odstock Parish Council.
b)Trees in Odstock: Cllr Start reported that some beech and silver birch trees in Odstock are causing concern and that plans are under-way to remove some of them before they become a hazard to neighbouring properties. The Chairman has advised the land agent for the Longford estate about the most appropriate method for dealing with parishioners’ concerns.

60/14 The next scheduled OPC meeting is the on Thursday, 5 February 2015.

The meeting closed at 9:20pm

Signed without amendment by the OPC Chairman, Cllr Rod Poynting, on 5 February 2015.
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