Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 2 July 2015 in the Pavilion on Nunton Recreation Field.

Present: Rod Poynting (Chairman), Stephen Stapley (Vice-Chairman), Nigel Start, Gavin Simmonite , Sally Nelson, Richard Parsons (Clerk) and no members of the public.

Apologies: Colin Berry, David Williamson-Jones and Wiltshire Cllr Julian Johnson.

26/15 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Poynting let it be known that he did not wish to continue as Chairman and proposed Cllr Simmonite as Chairman for the ensuing year. Cllr Poynting agreed to act as Vice-Chairman. There was unanimous agreement and Cllr Simmonite took the Chair.

27/15 Declaration of Interest: None.

28/15 Minutes of the Annual OPC meeting held on 14 May were approved and signed by Cllr Start.

29/15 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Goal Posts:
Cllr Poynting offered to repaint the goal posts at cost.
b) Safety Surface: 20cu m of bark was delivered on Friday, 19 June and spread by volunteers on the Saturday morning.
c) Pavilion: A visual inspection had not revealed any maintenance needs and PATs are on record for each appliance.

30/15 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
Cllr Poynting reported there was a refurbishment plan in place and the Hon Treasuer had sent a letter of thanks for OPC’s £750 donation towards the cost of the annual Radnor Hall lease.
b) Shepherds Close Car Parking: The Chairman reported that he had been approached by several parishioners asking for the Shepherds Close car-park to be extended. Cllr Start was concerned that abandoned cars could become an OPC liability. It was unanimously agreed at the Annual OPC meeting to NOT increase car-parking capacity at this time.
c) Jubilee Gardens: Cllr Poynting reported that he visits regularly and has repaired damaged seating. He had not detected anything likely to increase the risk of accident. The second ‘deep water’ sign has yet to be erected.
d) Undergrounding of Power Cables: Cllr Start is drafting an application for submission to the Electricity Supplier.

31/15 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) Wiltshire Council Highways:
The promised resurfacing of roads through the Parish has yet to be implemented.
b) Parish Footpaths: Cllr Stapley reported a footpath maintenance requirement adjacent to Macaria Cottage, Nunton.
c) Community Area Transport Group: Cllr Start reported that both the foot way refurbishment and the traffic calming schemes were on the list of works to be completed. The next CATG meeting is on 2 September.

32/15 Planning: No new Planning Applications. Cllr Poynting reported that Planning Application no. 14/10390/FUL for the erection of an extension to an agricultural storage building and the erection of an agricultural building to be used to house livestock at Nunton Farm was soon expected to be approved with conditions. Wiltshire Council will need to approve plans for Drainage, Lighting, Landscaping and Waste Disposal before the development can proceed.

33/15 Reports and Correspondence: The next Area Board meeting is in Coombe Bissett Village Hall on 30 July. Cllr Start agreed to attend. The Clerk reported that nothing of relevance to Odstock Parish was discussed at Winterslow on 28 May.

34/15 Finance:
a) OPC’s Bank Accounts:
The Clerk reported that Lloyds Bank plc had now replaced the missing mandate and that new signatories can be added to the account. This procedure can only be done electronically, although those not having a personal account with Lloyds Bank will need to call into the local branch to verify their identities and home addresses. It was agreed that the Chairman, Cllr Stapley and Cllr Start would proceed to be listed as signatories.
b) Payments: The following was approved:
Bawden Contracting Services Ltd – Grass Cutting 547 £201.56p

35/15 Any Other Business (for information only): Cllr Nelson suggested contacting the Longford Estate about their letter declining their permission for a Community Orchard in the Nunton Field and stating that a suitable alternate site would be made available.

36/15 The next Ordinary OPC meeting is scheduled for a date in September, yet to be decided.

The meeting closed at 9:05pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Gavin Simmonite, on 7 September 2015.
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