Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 7 December 2015 in the Barker Room, Nunton.

Present: Gavin Simmonite (Chairman), Rod Poynting (Vice-Chairman), Stephen Stapley, Nigel Start, Sally Nelson, David Williamson-Jones, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Wiltshire Cllr Julian Johnson and twenty three members of the public.

Apologies: Colin Berry.

48/15 Open Public Forum: a) Wiltshire Council is seeking the local community’s opinions for improving safety at the road junctions on the A338 Bodenham Dual Carriageway. The following points were raised by those present:
1. Speed is the main cause of the problems and the double carriageways lead to driver confusion about permitted speeds.
2. Insufficient clarity about who has right of way at both the Nunton C12 junction and the southern junction.
Suggested solutions include, road markings to indicate a single carriageway, introduction of a speed limit, stop signs at the right turn junctions, improved night-time lighting, additional cat’s eyes and clearer signage. There was unanimous objection to Wiltshire Council’s suggestion that a ‘No Right Turn’ measure be introduced at both junctions since this would likely lead to many unsafe traffic manoeuvres by drivers using alternative methods to reach their destinations in a timely manner. There was also a request to improve pedestrian access, safety and night-time lighting at the Nunton/Bodenham junction.
b) Cllr Start is seeking volunteers to join him in forming a Speed Watch group. Eight or more will be needed for training. Once trained, groups of three will take it in turns to man the equipment in the provided ‘hi-viz’ jackets. Regular sessions will help to remind drivers that their speed is being monitored and swapping with other Speed Watch groups will reduce the likelihood of being obliged to report friends and neighbours.
c) Staff parking on the road outside the Odstock School is a road safety concern which some felt needed addressing.

49/15 Declaration of Interest: None.

50/15 Minutes of the Ordinary OPC meeting held on 7 September were approved and signed by the Chairman.

51/15 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Play Area:
The Chairman reported that he was satisfied with the soundness of the wooden uprights and that OPC members would inspect the equipment again in the Spring for signs of any deterioration. Cllr Poynting reported that he had replaced the rotten posts in the fencing around the play area. The playing field grass cutting contract includes three applications during the year of weed-killer to the weeds which grow in the play area safety surface.
b) Pavilion: Cllr Poynting advised that the pavilion had originally been built by members of the football team using mostly second-hand materials, hence, it is functional rather than high quality. It was agreed to raise the annual maintenance budget from £1,000 to £1,500 and Cllr Poynting will obtain quotations for replacement windows.
c) Permitted Uses: Following a discussion, it was agreed that any request to use the field would be considered on its merits and terms of use would be agreed in each instance. A donation towards maintenance costs would be invited.

52/15 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
The cost of the annual lease for the Radnor Hall will be reviewed by the landlord in March and it was agreed that OPC would contribute £250 towards the cost of the lease, subject to any future review.
b) Parish/Community Planning: The Chairman and Cllr Nelson continue to monitor progress and the questionnaire will likely be distributed to parishioners early in 2016. Cllr Poynting has stepped down from the steering committee.
c) Community Orchard: Negotiation with the Longford Estate for a suitable site is ongoing.
d) Nunton Parish Garden: The Chairman reported that the uneven slabs had been cleared and that he felt there was insufficient damage to the wall to warrant having it rebuilt. All were in agreement.
e) Social Media: The Facebook page is proving to be useful for posting photos and delivering timely notices. As more parishioners get to know of its existence, the Chairman believes this will become an excellent communication channel.

53/15 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) Wiltshire Council Highways:
The new maintenance contract commencing in April will hopefully present some opportunities for better service delivery which may include the return of the old-style Parish Steward. There is still no confirmed start date for the promised road resurfacing which will include the agreed traffic calming measures.
b) A338/C12 Junction: Following on from the earlier discussion, the Chairman suggested the following as OPC’s response to Wiltshire Council’s ‘No Right Turn’ proposals: 1. Both sides hatched off to create single carriageways. 2. Reduce speed-limits to either 40 or 50 MPH and introduce some form of speed enforcement. 3. Consider closing the Southern Junction. 4. Clearer Stop Lines and additional Cat’s Eyes at the Northern Junction. All were in agreement.
c) Community Area Transport Group: The next CATG meeting is on Wednesday, 9 December. Cllr Start will attend. OPC will confirm their agreement to contribute £1,000 towards the Traffic Calming; repairs to the foot-way between the tree and Jubilee Gardens will be confirmed; and the issue of parking on the road by Odstock School will be raised.

54/15 Planning: There were no planning applications for consideration.

55/15 Correspondence: The next Area Board meeting is in Coombe Bissett Village Hall at 7pm on Thursday, 28 January.

56/15 Finance:
a) Internal Audit:
The current internal auditor has agreed to his appointment for a fourth consecutive year.
b) OPC's Community Grants: It was resolved to award £600 to ONB PCC for grass cutting at Jubilee Gardens and a £250 contribution towards the cost of the annual Radnor Hall lease.
c) Precept requirement for 2016-2017: It was resolved to limit the precept increase to £750, equal to about £2 per Band D Council Tax payer, to accommodate the anticipated extra costs of Pavilion maintenance.
d) Payments: The following were approved:
    Nunton Farm – Annual Rent 554 £400.00p
    Nunton Farm – Hedge Cutting 554 £115.20p
    Bawden Contracting Services Ltd – Grass Cutting 555 £403.13p
    R C Poynting – Nunton Field supplies 556 £28.82p
    S Nelson – Nunton Field supplies 557 £9.99p
    Radnor Hall – Contribution towards Annual Lease 558 £250.00p
    Odstock with N&B PCC – Grass Cutting Grant 559 £600.00p
    R Parsons – Clerk's salary and expenses, on account 560 £920.00p
    HAC Joynt – Ground Maintenance 561 £285.00p
    Bawden Contracting Services Ltd – Grass Cutting 562 £403.13p
    Southern Electric – Nunton Field Electricity DD £20.24p

57/15 Any Other Business (for information only): None.

58/15 The next Ordinary OPC meeting is scheduled for Monday, 8 February.

The meeting closed at 9:23pm

Signed without amendment by the PC Chairman, Cllr Gavin Simmonite, on 8 February 2016.
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