Odstock Parish Council

The Annual meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 22 May 2017 in the Pavilion, Nunton Recreation Field.

Present: Gavin Simmonite, Rod Poynting, Stephen Stapley, Colin Berry, Nigel Start, Sally Nelson, David Williamson-Jones, Richard Parsons (Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Richard Clewer and two members of the public.

Apologies: None

18/17 Annual Parish Meeting: With the agreement of the two parishioners present, it was resolved to proceed immediately with the Annual OPC meeting.

19/17 Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Gavin Simmonite, Rod Poynting, Stephen Stapley, Colin Berry, Nigel Start and Sally Nelson, having been nominated for election as Parish Councillors at the 2017 election on 4 May, all signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office as Councillors of Odstock Parish Council and will complete their register of member’s interests within 28 days.

20/17 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Cllr Poynting proposed and Cllr Start seconded, Cllr Nelson as Chairman. Cllr Poynting proposed and Cllr Berry seconded, Cllr Start as Vice-chairman.

21/13 Co-option of Eligible Person to the Office of Parish Councillor: David Williamson-Jones, having agreed to continue as a Councillor, was unanimously appointed. A Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Councillor of Odstock PC was signed by David Williamson-Jones and he will complete his register of member’s interests within 28 days.

22/17 Declaration of Interest: The Chairman expressed a concern that long-standing relationships with the Longford Estate by some members might be seen as raising a conflict of interest. On this occasion, no interests were declared.

23/17 Minutes of the Extraordinary OPC meeting held on 13 April were approved and signed by the Chairman.

24/17 Delegation of Functions: LGA 1972 s101 allows for the functions of a statutory authority to be discharged through a committee, sub-committee, officer or any other local authority. It was unanimously agree that when necessary, statutory functions would be delegated to the Parish Clerk as Proper Officer of Odstock Parish Council.

25/17 Meeting Dates: 3 July, 11 September, 11 December, 12 February 2018 and the Annual meetings on 14 May 2018. In accordance with LGA72 sch.12 s.9(1), Extraordinary PC meetings can be called by the Chairman at any time or by any two councillors and may be subject to LGA72 sch.12 s.10(2) requiring three clear days notice. Meeting cancellations will be similarly advised.

26/17 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
Car-boot sales held on the Nunton Recreation Field continue to raise much-needed funds to enable the Radnor Hall to operate effectively.
b) Community Planning: The Chairman highlighted some of the key issues identified by the questionnaire survey conducted as part of the stalled Neighbourhood Plan initiative.
c) Dog Waste Bins: The Chairman had prepared a report on the cost of providing and emptying dog waste bins in the two Parish recreation fields. Cllr Start was concerned that the provision of dog waste bins in the recreation fields would discourage dog owners from finding alternative areas within the Parish where dogs could be exercised without restriction. It was agreed to publish in News and Notes some suggestions for responsible dog owners.

27/17 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Pavilion:
Cllr Poynting reported that the Community First grant was unlikely to be forthcoming because OPC was unable to agree to unrestricted public access of the Pavilion. It was unanimously agreed to proceed with the replacement windows project with earmarked funds from OPC reserves and the community grant of £598.30p from Wiltshire Council Southern Area Board.
b) Usage Request: It was agreed to permit Longford CE Primary School to access the Recreation Field on Tuesday, 18 July, if they wished to hold their 2017 Sports Day event in Nunton. Usage requests are determined by reference to OPC meeting minutes, ref: 51/15(c), 4/16(c), 19/16(b) and 30/16(c).

28/17 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) Wiltshire Council Highways:
The Clerk agreed to attend the Highways meeting in the City Hall on Tuesday, 23 May, on behalf of OPC. Most of the maintenance issues requested by OPC had been completed.
b) Bridleway, Shelf Lane to the A338: Cllr Poynting reported that, in March, his team of volunteers had successfully cleared the bridleway of debris and weed growth.
c) Community Area Transport Group: Neither Cllr Berry nor Cllr Start will be available for the CATG meeting on 12 July at Bourne Hill. The Clerk agreed to attend on behalf of OPC.
d) Community Speedwatch: Cllr Start reported that, due to a shortage of staff time at Police Headquarters in Devizes, his team of trained volunteers are limited to operating every third week. The team have observed drivers travelling at speeds in excess of 40mph from Odstock into Nunton. More volunteers would increase detection frequency.
e) Speed Indicator Displays: Wiltshire Cllr Richard Clewer advised that the SIDs were effective when used for a maximum of 2 weeks at any one location. Whilst OPC had agreed to participate in Area Board’s SID schedule of deployments at suitable sites along the C12, to date, OPC has not receive any of their deployments. (Ref.20/16g)

29/17 Planning: 17/01797/FUL Full Planning - Extension of existing agricultural grain store at Great Yews, SP5 4JG. It was noted that this application, the subject of the Extraordinary OPC meeting on 13 April, had been approved on 11 May. The applicant’s representatives had confirmed that the increased capacity would reduce the number of traffic movements because current off-site storage at Charlton-All-Saints would no-longer be used. The highways officer report concludes, ‘I do not consider the overall impact of the proposals to be severe in highway terms. As such, I recommend that no Highway objection is raised to this proposal.’
There were no new Planning applications to consider.

30/17 Finance:
a) Bank Accounts:
It was agreed to continue maintaining Odstock PC's Bank Accounts with Lloyds Bank plc.
b) Staff Costs for 2016-2017: The Parish Clerk's salary of £50.77p per week was in line with expectations.
c) Accounts for 2016-2017: OPC's Internal Auditor had verified Odstock PC's accounts as presented. Income of £12,394.13p for the year includes a grant of £51.58p from Wiltshire Council, donations of £320, bank interest of £5.75p and the balance of £12,016.80p from the precept. Expenditure of £7,987.97p includes £2,942.19p on rents, grass-cutting and maintenance, £850 on grant support for village groups and £4,195.78p on general administration. Annual Return for 2016-2017: The Chairman approved the figures entered into the 2017 Annual Return.
d) Chairman's Allowance for 2017-2018: Up to £100 will be made available to the Chairman for expenses of office.
e) Zurich Municipal Insurance Premium for 2017-2018: The invitation to renew, for £525.70p, was approved.
f) WALC Membership for 2017-2018: Subscription renewal of £177.18p ex VAT was approved.
g) Earmarked Reserves: OPC is carrying forward £12,781.65p of which £6,750 is earmarked for Recreation Field and Pavilion maintenance and £3,600 is in a Capital fund.
h) Receipts:
Wiltshire Council – Community Grant £598.30p
Wiltshire Council – First instalment of the precept £6,034.19p
i) Payments: The following were approved:
Wiltshire Association of Local Councils – Subscription 589 £212.62p
Community First Trading – Zurich Insurance Renewal 590 £525.70p
Bawden Contracting Services Ltd – Grass Cutting 591 £407.15p
R Parsons – Clerk's salary and expenses, on account 592 £912.00p
Southern Electric – Nunton Field Electricity DD £19.53p

31/17 Reports and Correspondence:
a) Wiltshire Council:
The next Area Board meeting is in Winterslow Village Hall on 1 June. The Clerk agreed to attend on behalf of OPC. The next meeting thereafter is scheduled for 27 July in Coombe-Bissett Village Hall.
b) WALC: Transparency Fund grants for PC websites will continue to be available during 2017-2018.
c) Undergrounding of Power Cables: Cllr Start reported that his application had been turned down by the Electricity board due to the fact that there would be no discernible benefit because of other cables on the routes.
d) Longford Estate: OPC had received a letter expressing concern that OPC is less than supportive of initiatives designed to improve community relations. Following a discussion, it was resolved to engage more frequently with Longford Estate representatives.

32/17 Any Other Business (for information only):
a) Jubilee Gardens:
Cllr Poynting reported that the Willow trees needed pruning.
b) Footpath: Cllr Berry reported that he had located a footpath in Nunton requiring maintenance and possibly new kissing gates. He believes there may be funds available for Wiltshire footpath maintenance.

33/17 The next Ordinary OPC meeting is scheduled for 3 July.

The meeting closed at 8:51pm

Signed without amendment by the Chairman, Cllr Sally Nelson, as a true record on 3 July 2017.
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