Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 3 July 2017 in the Pavilion, Nunton Recreation Field.

Present: Sally Nelson (Chairman), Rod Poynting, Stephen Stapley, Colin Berry, David Williamson-Jones, Richard Parsons (Clerk) and two members of the public.
Apologies: Nigel Start (Vice-Chairman), Gavin Simmonite, Wiltshire Cllr Richard Clewer.

34/17 Open Public Forum: None.

35/17 Declaration of Interest: None.

36/17 Minutes of the Annual OPC meeting held on 22 May were approved and signed by the Chairman.

37/17 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
Involvement by some enthusiastic younger people is needed to overcome the falling income from hires, over the past three years and the rising running costs. Facilities have been greatly improved over the last several years and there now needs to be a concerted effort to promote the unique attributes of the Radnor Hall.
b) Odstock K6 Kiosk: OPC is now the owner of this decommissioned phonebox which will be added to OPC’s asset register and insurance schedule. Cllr Poynting reported that he had been approached by a parishioner living adjacent to the phonebox offering to take responsibility for day-to-day care and attention of the modified phonebox.
c) Jubilee Gardens: Several instances of Anti-social behaviour have been reported and OPC may decide to remove the damaged picnic table if this proves to be a contributory factor. Cllr Poynting is concerned that there have been occasions when the river has been dammed to create an area deep enough for swimming. This could upset the recent works to control river bank erosion. It was agreed that the Chairman would contact a Wiltshire Council Liaison officer about an appropriate course of action to help preserve and maintain this communal area. A Police presence may be requested.
d) Communications: The recent misunderstanding with the agent for the Longford Estate has been resolved and the Chairman and Cllr Simmonite will organise regular meetings to ensure a good relationship in future.

38/17 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Play Area:
Cllr Berry agreed to consult Playdale about a plan to replace the deteriorating wooden uprights.
b) Pavilion: Cllr Poynting is liaising with Salisbury Glass for the replacement windows project.
c) Field Gates: Cllr Poynting reported on a project to replace the single wooden gate with double gates at the Nunton Drove entrance. He has consulted neighbours and the Longford Estate and a quote of £356 for materials was approved.
d) Public Usage: The Policy document produced by the Chairman was discussed. OPC manage the field and pavilion for the benefit of parishioners and so those seeking to use the facilities need to demonstrate a close link with the parish. Whilst there is no formal charging structure, donations of £20-£50 will be appropriate and users will be expected to leave the premises in the same condition, in terms of cleanliness, as they found them. It was agreed that the policy document would come into force with immediate effect, as presented and made available on OPC’s website.

39/17 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) Wiltshire Council Highways:
A specific list of tasks which the Parish Steward can undertake has been produced and once notified, these tasks will be performed during the next available scheduled visit by the Parish Steward.
b) Community Area Transport Group: The Clerk agreed to attend the 12 July meeting on behalf of OPC.
c) Resurfacing and Traffic Calming along the C12: Cllr Berry has obtained an agreement from Wiltshire Highways that the full resurfacing will be completed as soon as the specialist treatment contractor becomes available.
d) Community Speedwatch: In Cllr Start’s absence, it was decided to postpone this agenda item until the next meeting.

40/17 Planning: 17/05615/FUL - Driveway and garden area modifications at Nunton House. OPC will support this.

41/17 Reports and Correspondence:
a) Wiltshire Council:
The next Area Board meeting is at the Coombe Bissett Village Hall on 27 July.
b) Wiltshire Association of Local Councils: As a member, OPC has full access to both the WALC and NALC website.

42/17 Finance:
a) Standing Orders and Financial Regulations:
These will be updated in line with NALC guidance.
b) Payments: The following were approved:
BT Payphones – Purchase of K6 Kiosk at Odstock 593 £1.00p
Salisbury Glass Centre Ltd – Windows Deposit 594 £331.00p

43/17 Any Other Business (for information only): Cllr Berry will prepare a justification document for the connecting footpath around the tree, opposite Odstock Church. Cllr Poynting noted that the timber bus-shelters will soon need attention.

44/17 The next Ordinary OPC meeting is scheduled for 11 September.

The meeting closed at 8:57pm

Signed without amendment by the Chairman, Cllr Sally Nelson, as a true record on 11 September 2017.
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