Odstock Parish Council

An Ordinary meeting of Odstock Parish Council was held on 11 September 2017 in the Pavilion, Nunton Recreation Field.

Present: Sally Nelson (Chairman), Rod Poynting, Stephen Stapley, Colin Berry, Richard Parsons (Clerk) and one member of the public.
Apologies: Nigel Start (Vice-Chairman), Gavin Simmonite, Wiltshire Cllr Richard Clewer.

45/17 Open Public Forum: None.

46/17 Councillor Co-option: Wiltshire Council Electoral Services has confirmed, OPC may fill the vacancy by co-option. The Chairman agreed to draft a notice of the vacancy for publication in News and Notes.

47/17 Declaration of Interest: None.

48/17 Minutes of the Ordinary OPC meeting held on 3 July were approved and signed by the Chairman.

49/17 Community Initiatives:
a) Radnor Hall Committee:
Cllr Poynting, as OPC’s representative, reported that Radnor Hall bookings fees are not currently sufficient to cover running costs. Revenue from car-boot sales is helping to maintain the venue’s availability.
b) Odstock K6 Kiosk: The Chairman reported she had observed how the Kiosk at Charlton-all-Saints is being used as a book exchange with the installation of shelving. A local Parishioner acts as a voluntary caretaker of the old phonebox. The Chairman agreed to produce a proposal for fitting shelves and Cllr Berry will take responsibility for the exterior.
c) Jubilee Gardens: The Chairman reported she had, as agreed, consulted with a Wiltshire Council Liaison officer who agreed to approach the likely perpetrators of the summer’s anti-social behaviour in the hope that the tranquillity of Jubilee Gardens would not be disturbed by any re-occurrence. OPC will be ready to act if behaviour gets out-of-hand.
d) Communications: The Chairman reported she and Cllr Start had had a meeting with the agent for the Longford Estate and learnt that farming practices were likely to move away from cattle into crops. The estate is agreeing to a 5 year ecological stewardship campaign with Natural England on five percent of arable land. Future meetings will be held.

50/17 Nunton Recreation Field:
a) Pavilion:
The replacement windows and doors have now been fitted at a total cost of £2,762.50.
b) Field Gates: The double gates at the Nunton Drove have now been fitted at a total cost of £287.33p.
c) Play Area: Cllr Berry had received a quote of £6,086 from Playdale for replacing the deteriorating wooden uprights.
d) Public Usage: The Chairman reported she had refused a request to use the field from a person outside the parish, in line with the OPC Nunton Field policy to limit usage to parishioners.

51/17 Transport, Roads and Footpaths:
a) Wiltshire Council Highways:
Tasks will be submitted to the Parish Steward for his October and December visits.
b) Community Area Transport Group: The next CATG meeting is scheduled for 14-Nov at Bourne Hill, Salisbury.
c) Resurfacing and Traffic Calming along the C12: OPC’s agreed contribution of £1,000 has been paid.
d) Community Speedwatch: Cllr Start had circulated an email confirming two new volunteers awaiting training and that speedwatch sessions are taking place every third week. More volunteers will help to share the responsibility.

52/17 Planning: There were no planning applications for consideration

53/17 Reports and Correspondence:
a) Wiltshire Council:
The next Area Board meetings are at Trafalgar School on 28-Sep and Whiteparish on 7-Dec.
b) Wiltshire Waste Management Consultation: http://consult.wiltshire.gov.uk/portal until 14-Nov.

54/17 Finance:
a) Budget for 2018-2019:
Actual figures for the last 3 years were compared to an estimate for 2017-2018.
b) Payments: The following were approved:
  Wiltshire Council – Traffic Calming Measures 595 £1,000.00p
  Salisbury Glass Centre Ltd – Windows & Doors 596 £2,975.00p
  Bawden Contracting Services Ltd – Grass Cutting 597 £407.15p
  Earl of Radnor 1989 Settlement – Rent 598 £10.50p
  R Poynting – Field Gates & Sundry Fixings 599 £352.29p
  Grant Thornton UK LLP – Audit Fee 2016-2017 600 £120.00p
  R Parsons – Clerk's salary and expenses, on account 601 £878.00p
  Wessex Water – Nunton Field Water Supply DD £32.22p
  Southern Electric – Nunton Field Electricity DD £21.38p

55/17 Any Other Business (for information only): None.

56/17 The next Ordinary OPC meeting is scheduled for 11 December.

The meeting closed at 8:50pm

Signed without amendment by the Chairman, Cllr Sally Nelson, as a true record on 11 December 2017.
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