Odstock Parish Council

Meeting of Parish Council at Radnor Hall, Bodenham on 16 October 1974.

Present: C F Moody (Chairman), Dr T O'Keefe, Mrs J Payne, General H R Swinburn, Mrs D Townend.
Apologies were received from Messrs Jenkins and Wyatt.

21/74 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting on 6 June 1974 were approved and signed.

22/74 Matters Arising:
1. Beech Pruning on Dual Carriageway - The County Council had not yet replied to the Council's comments. The Clerk was instructed to press for a reply and to stress that it is width of the growth rather than height that is restricting drivers' vision.
2. Accounts for 1973-74 - Following the satisfactory conclusion of the audit, the accounts were considered and formally adopted.
3. Old Rectory Corner - A copy of a letter from the County surveyor to Mr A C Van de Geer was considered. Several minor actions were proposed by the County Surveyor including the erection of chevron signs. The problem was also to be included in the list of desirable improvements for 1975-76. The Chairman reported that he had also written to the County Council on the subject. After considerable discussion, the Clerk was instructed to press the County Surveyor to ensure that an improvement is carried out in the next financial year and to demand the courtesy of a reply to the Chairman's letter.
4. Meeting on Rates - The chairman reported on the Parish meeting and the action resulting.
5. Joshua's Clump - A reply was still awaited from the County Council and the Clerk was instructed to press the matter.

23/74 Appointment of Clerk: The Chairman and General Swinburn reported that they had interviewed Mr M S Temple in connection with the vacancy and recommended appointment.
It was resolved:
i. To appoint Mr M S Temple from the date of the meeting at an annual salary of £100.
ii. To formally record the Council's appreciation of Mr Moody's efforts during the interim period.
iii. To send a letter of appreciation to the former Clerk, Mr F C Hinton.

24/74 Finance: It was resolved:
i. To approve the issue of a precept for £100 on the District Council.
ii. To approve the payment of £8.00 to the Chairman (£3.00 expenses re. Rates meeting. £5.00 out of pocket expenses whilst acting as Clerk).
iii. To authorise the Clerk to order any stationary he considered necessary.

25/74 Joint Parishes/District Council Meeting: The Chairman and Dr T O'Keefe were authorised to attend the meeting on 30 October 1974 as the Council's representatives.

26/74 Playing Field: The Chairman reported that following complaints regarding the overgrown state of the Playing Field he had approached Mr P Martin who had undertaken the necessary work.

27/74 Local Road Safety Committee: A request from the County Council to participate in a local road safety committee was considered. It was resolved that the County Council be informed that the Council is not willing to participate - experience with present problems shows that the County Council has little interest in such matters.

28/74 Planning Matters: One planning application notification was received but out of date. The new Clerk was instructed to take steps to prevent a reoccurrence and also to contact the District Council to ensure that the notification system is working.
The failure to comply with planning permission requirements in the modernisation of the cottages at Crossroads, Odstock was considered and the Clerk instructed to approach the District Council on the matter.

29/74 Next Meeting: It was decided that the next meeting of the Council be held at the Radnor Hall on 4 December 1974, commencing at 7:30pm.

Signed by the Chairman on 4 December 1974.

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